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The short history of the “Regnum Christi”  Foundation

After the fall of the communism, which didn’t allow us to practice our religion and to grow in our faith, in 1989 we considered it was important to find a way to help people get to know how to live a Christian life today. In the beginning we organized meetings and seminars, where more personal, trustful and open relationships with each other and our loving God were developed.

In 1997, with the contribution of five families we legally founded the “Regnum Christi” humanitarian Foundation, trusting God’s promise, which became our motto:

 „Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Mt 6,33

In 1999 we dreamed the Pinocchio Christian-Creative Kindergarten, which has been functioning for 17 years already.

We continuously organize courses for young people and adults, helping them in knowing their calling, their meaning in life, and teaching them to live as disciples, to live a healthy family-life, and to give practical answers to the challenges of every-day life.

In order to address the need for faith formation and effective leadership in prayer groups and parish communities, in 2000 we started the Leadership Training School, which had 123 participants in 5 years.

Starting with 2005 we felt called to place a new emphasis on the spiritual development of those who follow Christ, on the training of disciples, therefore we started the School of Discipleship.

  The goals of our Foundation are:

 - To build the Kingdom of God in the lives of individuals, in the Church and society using effective methods;

-  To educate and train lay leaders who are prepared to provide Christian answers to the social, spiritual and moral needs of today’s society.

Programs offered by the „Regnum Christi” Foundation:

  • Pinocchio Christian-Creative Kindergarten
  • Courses
  • School of Discipleship
  • Inner healing and spiritual accompaniment
  • Selling books, CDs and cards with the word of God


The Foundation’s work is sustained by the donations of brothers and sisters from Romania and abroad. The running costs are already higher than 5000 RON (1200EUR) per month.

This is why we ask you to support us with whatever your possibilities allow you!

Banca Comercială Română (BCR) Tîrgu-MureÅŸ, Strada Gh. Doja 1-4.

FundaÅ£ia “Regnum Christi”, Financial identification code: 10302251,

Bank account (IBAN): RO91RNCB0188034965980001 (donation for the “Regnum Christi” Foundation)