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2024 for the months of October – November – December 

2024 for the months of July – August

2024 for the months of January - February – March

2023- October- November- December

2023- July- August- September


2021 October – November - December 

2021 June-July-August

2021 April-May-June

2020 April-May-June

2020 January – February – March

2019 July – August – September 2019

2019. April - May - June
2019. January - February - March
2018. October - November - December
2018. July - August - September
2018. April - May - June
2018. January - February - March
2017. October - November - December
2017. July - August - September
2017. April - May - June
2017. January - February - March
2016. July - August - September
2016. April - May - June
2016. January - February - March
2015, October - November - December
2015, July - August - September
2015, April - May - June





2024 for the months of October – November – December


"In the presence of God and Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of His appearing and His kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." – 2 Timothy 4:1-4


We report back and give thanks...

♥ Discernment Course:
I was deeply moved by realizing that we are co-heirs with Jesus, not only in beautiful things but also in sharing His humility. Through these dynamics, I feel closer to Jesus. I have learned to be vigilant against temptations and to extinguish them at their roots because if they grow, the trouble is greater. The "Sunshine" discernment method was my favorite, as I often make hasty decisions. Now I know I need to pray daily, and this method helps me more easily see which decisions to make. — K.Cs.

The two strategies and tactics really struck me, particularly the qualities the evil one uses, like intimidation, sadness, etc. In the future, I want to spend more quality time with God. The first discernment method was my favorite, especially as it guided me to examine all perspectives and arguments from God's viewpoint, through His laws. The reflective discernment method also resonated with me, reminding me of Saint Augustine's words: "Love, and do what you will." I realized it doesn't matter what decision I make as long as it is made in love. Then, even at the end of my life, I’ll know I have no reason to feel guilty because I acted out of love. — K.É.

♥ Philip Course in Gheorgheni:
I came to understand that the Holy Spirit doesn’t come and go; rather, He is within me, and I need to recognize His voice because He is always there in everyone who has been baptized. I really loved the worship sessions, as I strongly felt the presence of the Holy Spirit there. I stretched out my hands and felt a breeze, which I thought was a draft in the room, but when I looked around, I realized there was no draft at all. That’s when I decided to let go of my worries so that I could feel the Holy Spirit more deeply. I also understood how important community is in my life.— F.Zs.

♥ We successfully relocated the Foundation’s office and the Pinocchio Christian Creative Kindergarten.
We began this school year with 35 children, for which we are very grateful to God. We continue to pray for the necessary approvals from the Fire Department and the inspectorate at the new location so that we may continue receiving state support.


We are weaving plans and programs…

♥ Inner Healing Course in Carei, October 24-27.
This course is designed to address the wounds experienced in our lives that have left deep marks on our souls and memories. Through the grace and power of Jesus Christ's redemption, healing is possible. The course helps us recognize and admit our wounds and to reach for healing through faith.

"The God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you." (1 Peter 5:10)

The course is primarily organized for locals. For more details, contact László Szilágyi (Sziszi) at 0742-019256 or visit our website at

♥ Transylvanian Catholic Charismatic Meeting (EKKM) on October 12 in Miercurea Ciuc at the Trade Union Cultural Center!
A continuous, personal, daily conversion to Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior, is essential!

The theme of the meeting: Rekindling the Fire!
We pray that through JUDE ANTONIE, our guest speaker and a missionary from Malaysia, the Holy Spirit will inspire us to live each day with His fire.
For more details, please visit We warmly welcome everyone!

♥ Philip Course in Corund, November 29 - December 1.
If you haven’t yet encountered the love of the living God or experienced His work in your life, allow Him to open your heart to the Good News, the truth that sets you free! The central truth is:

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

To register, contact Béla Bereczki at 0723-214701 or by email at Details and registration are available on our website at


Prayer Intentions:

♥ Philip Course in Corund
Let us pray that participants open their hearts to receive God’s unconditional love and choose to maintain a personal, daily relationship with Him.

♥ Transylvanian Catholic Charismatic Renewal Meeting (EKKM):
We ask Jesus that all attendees experience the Holy Spirit’s presence and that He guide the organizers to be true instruments of His work.

♥ Inner Healing Course:
We pray that participants genuinely experience God’s liberating and healing anointing in their lives. We ask for the protection of Jesus’ Precious Blood over all participants and ministers to shield them from every fiery arrow of the enemy.

With love, on behalf of all members of the foundation, Béci

The purpose of the prayer intentions is to maintain a living connection among those interested in the Foundation’s activities and programs and to encourage as many people as possible to intercede for our services.

We also gladly accept financial support to cover the costs of our programs.
Bank Account:
B.C.R. Branch TG-MUREŞ, Ghe. Doja St. 1-3, IBAN Code: RO91RNCB0188034965980001

New or re-stocked items:

  • James N. Sells: Conflict Resolution in Couples Counseling – 50 RON

Additional books and scripture cards can be found in the "Book Recommendations" section on our website
For more information, contact: Béla Bereczki at 0723-214701




2024 for the months of July – August

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And before him no creature is hidden, but all are open and laid bare to the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we have not a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sinning. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4,12-16.”


We report and give thanks…

With gratitude in our hearts, we want to share with you what God has done in our courses so far:

   ♥  Philip Course in Ciceu:

When I came to the course, I had no expectations. I went into the weekend with an open heart and mind to recharge myself spiritually. I got more than a spiritual recharge! In the storms of my life, I have always felt the goodness of God and his love. I realized at the course that I had a punishing image of God and I am working to change that. I have come to understand that God helps me get through the crises and self-blame. The Philip course brought me closer to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I called Him to come into my heart and He touched me deeply. What was new, and I just understood, was that I have a 'sinful nature, that's why I sin' but now I know what I need to do to draw close to God and that 'God created me in order to love me.’ (K.E.)


For me, this Philip Course was a wonderful time, which I find hard to put into words. I truly felt the closeness of the Holy Spirit through the true love that radiated and emanated from all of us. I often feel the attacks of evil through my difficulties, but I understood that with the help of the Holy Spirit, God, I can rise from the abyss. I wish I did not have these great obstacles, but I know that it is important to carry each other in prayer, because it has great power. Thanks and glory to the Lord for everything and for those wonderful unforgettable days spent together! (Cs.J.)


 ♥  Inner Healing Course in Oradea and Ciceu:

What I experienced at the Course on Inner Healing in Oradea had such a strong impact on me that it gave me a good feeling of spiritual muscle ache. The confrontations I had during your lectures were necessary for my spiritual healing. I believe that your teachings and testimonies have played an important role in the purification of my soul. I could liken it to the high heat required to purify a freshly mined gold nugget in the oven. Just as the gold separates from the slag, so, after the conversation and deliverance prayers with my counselor, the precious part of my spiritual world separated from my sinful tendencies and woundedness. Glory to the Holy Trinity, One God for all this! (S.Gy. - Oradea)


I feel that I have experienced very profound moments. What was most profound was that two of my memories healed a lot. The interesting thing was that this process continued when I went home. I remembered an old memory and the Holy Spirit showed me now what I should have said to my mother at her death and how I should have said goodbye to her. I feel like I have experienced complete healing from this memory. When forgiving myself and my father, it was very difficult to forgive myself, but I have managed to do so now. I was able to experience this sense of freedom. I saw the image of a white swan in prayer and I saw it come out of the water and shake itself and spread its wings. Many times before that, I had a bird with wings pinned in my head of myself. I had always longed to be freed from my sins and healed, but I didn't think it could happen so suddenly, so I am very grateful to God for everything. (Sz.B. Ciceu)


We make plans and plan programs...

  ♥ Course on Spiritual Discernment will be held between August 1- 4 in Targu Mures!

We live in a fast-paced world, and we don't have time to discern God's will and plan for our lives. 

This course will help us: to make the right choices, discerning our inner intentions, motivations, arguments, examining our circumstances according to the principles of St Ignatius; to discern God's will for our lives; to grow in knowing God's truths.

"Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of body and soul, and complete our sanctification in the fear of God." 2 Cor 7:1

Details and registration: or Bereczki Béci, tel. 0723-214701.


 ♥ We are going to hold a Philip Course between 27 – 29th of September in Gheorgheni!

At this course you will have the opportunity: to experience God's personal love, to know and receive His revealed truths about life. We encourage you to let us know, especially those in the area, who would like to attend. 

"But we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit of God to know what God has given us." 1 Cor. 2,12

Details and or contact Béci Bereczki, tel. 0723-214701.


♥ He is the Way Festival will be held on the 21st of September in Targu Mures!

This festival will help us experience the closeness of God, and awaken our longing for a deeper connection with God through worship songs and other alternative activities.

More details:


♥ EKKM (Transylvanian Catholic Carismatic Renewal)  meeting will take place on 21st of October in Miercurea Ciuc!

A continuous, personal, daily conversion to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, is important! 

The theme of the meeting: Fanning the fire!

We pray that the Holy Spirit, through our guest JUDE ANTONIE (missionary in Malaysia), will prompt us to live our daily lives by His fire.

More details:


Prayer Intentions:

♥ Philip Course:

Let us pray that the participants will be able to receive God's unconditional love with an open heart and be able to make a decision to maintain their personal, daily relationship with God.


♥ Inner Healing Course:

Let us ask Jesus that in His presence the participants may experience the healing and saving power of the Holy Spirit, and ask the Holy Spirit to show the way for the organizers to be true instruments of His work.


♥ Spiritual Discernment Course:

Let us pray so that the participants can truly discern the calling voice and leadership of their Shepherd, Jesus Christ, from the voice of the enemy and reject the latter in their daily lives. Let us also ask for the protection of the Precious Blood of Jesus on participants and ministers so that they can ward off all the fiery darts of the enemy.

With much love, on behalf of all the staff of the Foundation, Béci!

The purpose of the prayer intention is to maintain a living connection between those who are interested in the Foundation's activities and programs, and that more and more persons will intercede for our ministries.  

We welcome financial support to cover the cost of our programs.

Our Bank account: B.C.R.Sucursala TG-MUREÅž, str. Ghe. Doja 1-3,Cod IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001




2024 for the months of January - February – March


"Do not love the world, nor what is in this world. If anyone loves the world, he does not have the love of the Father, for all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. This is not from the Father, but from the world.  This world will pass away, and the lust of it will pass away, but he who does the will of God will abide forever." 1 John 2:15-17


We report, we give thanks...

   ♥ We are happy to share with you all that God has worked in the brothers and sisters at the Philip course in Odorheiu Secuiesc. I was always interested in what others thought about me, but now I understood that for God I am accepted the way I am, I am perfect for Him. I long to be part of a community of people who can give me the same truths and face the same issues (D.K.); I have long used God as a coffee machine to fulfill my goals. I prayed only that Lord this is what I want, that this is all that is good for me, but now I realize that God has far surpassed my plans that I could have imagined. I longed to hear the voice of the Lord and the Holy Spirit has given me a wonderful gift. Now I know even more deeply that I belong to the Lord.(T.D.)

♥ Glory to the Lord that He poured out His healing holy grace on the Inner Healing Course in Târgu Mures. We share some testimonies with you: For years I have heard that Advent is not only about cleaning our house, but also our souls. This course was the most thorough spiritual cleaning of my life.  I was able to get rid of most of my sins, bondages and wounds. (I still remember them). Thank you and God (H.J.). I knew the concept existed, but I couldn't formulate in my mind that I should be reconciled with the Good Lord, but I tried. It was very powerful for me to be able to forgive my Almighty God for not having shaped my life in the way I had dreamed. I also heard the comforting and forgiving word of the Lord and I am glad that I recognized that I was hearing the voice of the Good God and it strengthened me to listen to Him in prayer and to have prayer time with the Lord. (H.E.) I have forgiven and released hurts that have left a deep mark on my heart. I ask for perseverance and mercy from the Good Lord to keep me in this state of grace (J. A.).

♥ We have great gratitude in our hearts for all the blessings thanks to God's faithfulness that we have experienced in our courses and events in the year 2023. Glory to Him alone!!!!

Special thanks to those of you who prayed for our events and supported us financially and with any kind of contribution for the running and survival of the foundation.

May you be blessed in all your needs!

As inflation has increased in the last years and our expenses (contributions for the payroll and the concrete salary) have doubled, our monthly expenses have increased to a total of 9.500 lei. Subsidies have rather decreased and do not exceed 4.500 lei per month. God has therefore put it on our hearts to ask you to support us, to be our partners, so that we can continue our ministry.

We are looking for 25 people who will support us for one year with 200 lei per month or 50 people who will commit to support us for one year with 100 lei per month, thus helping us to survive in 2024.

In case God leads you to help financially in any way, please let us know and we will discuss the rest. We welcome financial support to cover our programs:

Our bank account is BCR S.A., Sucursala TG-MUREÅž, str. Ghe. Doja 1-3, Cod IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001,vagy Revoluton: tel 0723214701, IBAN: RO85 BREL 0005 5020 6337 0100.


We weave plans, programs...

  ♥ We will hold a Philip course between 26-28 January, in Miercurea Ciuc. This course is an opportunity to experience God's personal love and to learn and receive the most important truths revealed about life. Please let us know ahead of time, persons from the area, who would like to attend.

            "But we have not been given the spirit of the world, but the Spirit of God to know what God has given us." 1 Cor 2,12

Details and registration: or contact Joseph Daniel, tel. 0742679082.

♥ A Deliverance and Inner Healing course will be held in Odorheiu Secuiesc, in the parish of St. Teresa the Lisieux, between 8-11 February. Through the goodness and love of the Lord, He wants our Christian life not to be affected by the events and experiences of our past that have caused wounds and obstacles in our souls. God wants to enlarge our boundaries through His deliverance and healing. Let us let Him! Prior completion of the Philip course is required.

        "Be pure and blameless in the day of Christ, full of the fruit of a righteous life through Christ to the glory and praise of God."         Phil. 1, 10b-11

Details and application: or Bereczki Bela, tel. 0723-214701.

♥ God's Response to Life's Great Challenges (IVENK) course will be held in Miercurea Ciuc1-3 March.  We live a Christian life, yet we get caught up in the rush and stress, followed by fear, failure, discouragement, and finally depression. What is the solution? What does God say about these things? Is there a way out, a cure? How can I live a truly happy, harmonious Christian life?

Who can participate? Those who have already attended the Philip Course and want to know God's answer to these questions and are ready to take the practical steps that follow, experiencing God's promise:

                 "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (Jn 8,32).

Details and registration: or contact Joseph Daniel, tel.: 0742679082

♥ The Fatherly Heart of God course will be held again in Târgu Mures, 10-14 of April. The aim of the course is to learn about and experience healing and deliverance through the love of the Father. The course will be given by Robert and Vicki Hoxar who live in England. Both have discovered that they were truly seeking the Father's love, and through experiencing it they have become mature Christians and their relationships have been transformed. They have taken the Love of the Father seminar to several countries. They minister for 5 months a year in Slovakia and other countries because they believe that the Father's love can truly transform nations. For details and to apply, visit or contact Béci Bereczki at 0723214701.

Prayer intentions:

♥ Philip's course:

- May God's love and message find open hearts

- to enable the participants to make a firm decision for Jesus by the confirming grace of the Holy Spirit

♥ Deliverance and Inner Healing Course:

- participants to recognize and surrender to Jesus their wounds and anger in order to promote their own healing through reconciliation

- that the Holy Spirit will lead those ministering for the participants.

♥ God’s Response to Lives’ Great Challenges Course and Father Heart of God Course:

- That the participants will recognize and experience God's truth's ability to set them free to face life's challenges.

- The brothers and sisters will increasingly experience the infinite love of the Father and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in their life choices so that they can encounter the Savior Jesus Christ.

  May Christmas bring peace and love

             in your families and may our loving Father bless you

             with all blessings and abundance in the New Year !!!


With much love, on behalf of all the staff of the Foundation, Béci!


The purpose of the prayer intention is to maintain a living connection between those who are interested in the Foundation's activities and programs, and to intercede for our ministries. 

Info: Béla Bereczki, tel.: 0723-214701



For the months of October- November- December, 2023

Since you have purified yourselves by obedience to the truth for sincere mutual love, love one another intensely from a [pure] heart. You have been born anew, not from perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and abiding word of God, for: “All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of the field; the grass withers, and the flower wilts;
but the word of the Lord remains forever. (1Pet 1,22-25a)

We recount the blessings, we give thanks...

♥ We have great gratitude and joy in our hearts toward our awesome and glorious God for the wonders that He worked in our brothers and sisters at the Discernment Course in July in Târgu Mures. We share with you some testimonies.

„I realized the tactics of the devil and of Jesus in my life and also that if I choose Christ, no matter how hard it is, God will give me the strength to persevere." P.B.; "Satan's strategy is to convince people that he has something that man cannot live without and that is knowledge. I realized that if I know the tactics of the enemy, I know how to stand against him, and if I know the tactics of Jesus, I know what to strive for." A.I.; "I understood the sins with which the enemy starts to sneak into my life, and the importance of humility and simplicity." S.A.

♥ Praise the loving Father, because for the second time, the Hoxar couple from Liverpool held in our city the course on the Father's Heart of God, where God did great things in the participants: ''I have known God as a loving God for nine years, but in the last 1.5 years I have been distanced from Him. I have not shown this to those around me, but inwardly I have forgotten who I really am and who God is in my life. I struggled a lot during the first days, but I knew that I came here because I wanted to meet the Father. In my imaginary garden I managed to meet the Father. I want to carry Him with me, not only to understand him but also to feel him. What really surprised me was that I knew so much about my birth, that I was an unexpected child and that these nine months were probably difficult for my mother. However, when I had the prayer for the nine months in utero, I felt that there was joy in me and that I wanted to be born and that the people around me wanted me to be born." A.I.; " During yesterday's foot washing I was able to erase from my heart the lie that I am not worthy of the Father's love. The Father leans down and ministers to me, He is in my life and so I can pass on to my children this wonderful love with which the Father has come close to me, made me joyful and has showered me with His healing grace." P.I.; " I have realized the fears and anxieties I have and why they are in my life. I believe that those bonds are now severed and I can now be present in my family and my community in a completely different way. The Father has rewritten the rules in me and now I am going forward on my journey with confidence." E. L.; I was born as the fourth child in the family, I was expected to be a boy but I became a girl, so my father didn't look at me for three days. Then he changed jobs to be with me anyway and showered his love on me. I understood that I was not only loved by my father, but also loved by the Father infinitely, I am his shining star. I crossed a bridge and today I have stepped out of orphanhood and become a beloved child of God, leaving behind the consequences of orphanhood. Glory to God for all! "B. M.; I understood that my father could not give me his love because he did not receive it from my grandmother. I forgave him and I realized that I wanted to pass on the Father's love to my children. "S.K.;

♥ Heartfelt thanks for the intercession and financial support of all who worked for the 23 September event He is the Way Youth Festival. We are especially grateful for the support of the Heavenly Father's loving providence and all ecclesiastical and municipal authorities without which it would not have come about and taken place with such blessings as we have all experienced. Glory be to Jesus, who alone is the only Way to life.

We weave plans, programs...

  ♥ We will soon hold the meeting of the EKKM (Transylvanian Catholic Charismatic Renewal), which will take place on 14th of October in Oradea, in the Franciscan Church. Invited: László Varga, Bishop of Kaposvár, Hangary.

Motto: " You have invited me to step on the water. "

  Details on the website or contact Laszlo Szilágyi (Sziszi) tel. 0742-019256. It will be an opportunity to encounter God and our fellow human beings.                                            

  ♥ The Philip Course will take place from 20-22nd of October in Târgu Mures, at the Roman Catholic parish of St John the Baptist, and from 17-19th of November in Odorheiu Secuiesc, at the St. Theresa of Lisieux Parish.  This course will give you the opportunity to experience God's personal love and to learn and receive the most important truths revealed about life. Please let us know in good time of persons from the area who would like to attend.

           We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the things freely given us by God."       1Kor 2,12

Details and application: or Bereczki Bela, tel. 0723-214701.

  ♥ A deliverance and inner healing course will be held from 30 November to the 3rd of December. Through the goodness and love of the Lord, He wants our Christian life not to be affected by the events and experiences of our past that have caused wounds and obstacles in our souls. God wants to enlarge our boundaries through His deliverance and healing. Let us allow Him to do so! Prior completion of the Philip course is required.

        "Be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. "         Phil 1, 10b-11

Details and application: or Bereczki Bela, tel.

  ♥ We also bring to your attention the invite your attention the Theology of the Body course held between October 20-22 in Sovata organized by the He is the Way team. Information on the following website:

Registration and info: contact Imola Kovács, tel: 0749-046176 or email:

Prayer intentions:

♥ For the Philip course:

- May God's love and message find open hearts;

- May the Holy Spirit's empowering grace enable participants to make a firm decision for Jesus;

♥ For the Inner Healing Course:

- participants to recognize and surrender to Jesus their wounds and anger in order to enhance their own healing through reconciliation;

- the leading of the Holy Spirit for the sisters and brothers ministering at this course.

With much love, on behalf of all the staff of the Foundation, Béci!

The purpose of the prayer request is to maintain a living link between those who are interested in the Foundation's activities and programs, and to intercede for our ministries.

We welcome financial support to cover our programs.

Our bank account is BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., Sucursala TG-MUREÅž, str. Ghe. Ghe. Doja 1-3,

Cod IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001, or Revoluton: RO IBAN: RO85 BREL 0005 5020 6337 0100

Foreign account IBAN: LT29 3250 0072 7655 4748 BIC: REVOLT21 donaţie pt. Fundaţia Regnum Christi

God pay!


for the months April - May– June, 2023

Let it be known to all of you, and to all the people of Israel, that this man is standing before you in good health by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,  whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead.  This Jesus is ‘the stone that was rejected by you, the builders; it has become the cornerstone.’ There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved. Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and ordinary men, they were amazed and recognized them as companions of Jesus.”  Acts 4, 10-13

We reflect, we give thanks...
♥ Our hearts and souls give thanks to the Creator Father for His love, care and that he never ceases to embrace and bring life again and again to human hearts. With great joy and gratitude we share with you what the Lord has been working in the participants of the Philip Course and Inner Healing Course in Miercurea-Ciuc, as well as the Inner Healing Course in Targu Mures:
I blamed myself for a long time even though I knew that God forgives but I was still angry with myself. Now I not only know that he forgives me, but he has paid the price and loves me unconditionally. M. D.
I have come to the realization that the hurts I have received cannot be changed
but I can forgive, and now I can pay attention to the fact that in the future I will cause as little trauma as I can to others, especially as far as my children are concerned. The other special experience is that the Lord can heal in joy and cheerfulness! He is able to do this! It was a joy to experience this. P.CS.

With each teaching, I have become more and more deeply and strongly filled with the repentance, waking up from the false dream I was in. The desire in my heart became great to be freed from it, I was looking forward to it! When all this happened, I felt completely healed, I felt freedom, joy and happiness that I had never felt before. I experienced what it means to live in the light of Christ. Thanks and Glory be to God! And also, to the brothers and sisters, because without you I would not have been able to start a new life, a victorious Christian life! Thank you! B. T. J.

I have had many courses on self-awareness in my life that seemed to bring solutions to my life, only to find out that it wasn't why I went to the next one and the next one. This weekend I experienced that without God, whatever course I take, however much I educate myself – becomes useless after a while. I feel so much closer to God, I feel at peace and tranquility. These may be simple words, but they mean a lot to me, I can no longer see life as hopeless, difficult, without a way out. I feel the strength to do what God has entrusted to me to do. I know that I am not alone in the storms of life and I can face them with a clear conscience. V. E.

♥ It is with great pleasure to announce that we have a new staff member, Beata Harkel, as of February 1, who is working part-time for the Regnum Christi Foundation (and the other half-time for the Pinnochio Kindergarten).
We ask you to please support Beata financially as God is inspiring you, so that we would be able to cover the costs of the different taxes as well as her salary. You can send your support to the following bank account: BCR, Cod IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001, donatie pt Bea. Thank you and may God bless you for your generosity!

♥ In the New Year, we ask you again to donate 3.5% of your 2022 income tax to the Regnum Christi Foundation, in order to support the activities and programs of our ministry without any financial burden to you. Thank you!!!! Whoever so chooses, please fill out the form on the website (red lettering) and we will contact you as soon as possible.

We will take care of the further steps.

We make plans, organize programs...
© There will be a Philip Course in the town of Ciceu, between 5-7 of May. The course will provide an opportunity to experience a personal encounter with God, which will renew our faith life and create a real, intimate and personal experience of God. Please pass the information to people from that area who would like to participate.
" God is faithful; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord."   1Chor 1,9
Details: and Józsi Dánél, tel. 0742-679082.
© An Inner Healing course will be held in Ciceu between 1-4 of June. In his goodness and loving kindness, the Lord does not want us to be affected by the events and experiences of our past, which have left wounds in our souls. God wants to expand our boundaries through His deliverance and healing. Let us allow Him to do so! Condition for participation is the prior completion of the Philip course.
"In the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless,  having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. Phil 1, 10b-11
To register, call Józsi Dánél at 0742-679082.
© We also invite you to take note of the Theology of the Body course organized by the "He is the Way" ministry between 5-7 of May..
For details call Imola Kovács, tel: 0749-046176, email:

Prayer intentions:
Philip course:
- May God's love and message find open hearts;
- that the participants will be able to make a firm decision for Jesus through the empowering grace of the Holy Spirit.
Inner Healing Course:
- that the participants will recognize and surrender to Jesus their hurts and anger so that reconciliation will facilitate their own healing
- for the guidance of the Holy Spirit's for the ministering brothers and sisters.

„Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Mt 28,20)


Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed!

We wish that the

hope, joy and faith

of the Risen Jesus Christ

may be alive in your


With much love, on behalf of all the staff of the Foundation, Béci!


 April - May – June, 2023

Let it be known to all of you, and to all the people of Israel, that this man is standing before you in good health by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,  whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead.  This Jesus is ‘the stone that was rejected by you, the builders; it has become the cornerstone.’ There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved. Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and ordinary men, they were amazed and recognized them as companions of Jesus.”  Acts 4, 10-13

We reflect, we give thanks...
♥ Our hearts and souls give thanks to the Creator Father for His love, care and that he never ceases to embrace and bring life again and again to human hearts. With great joy and gratitude we share with you what the Lord has been working in the participants of the Philip Course and Inner Healing Course in Miercurea-Ciuc, as well as the Inner Healing Course in Targu Mures:
I blamed myself for a long time even though I knew that God forgives but I was still angry with myself. Now I not only know that he forgives me, but he has paid the price and loves me unconditionally. M. D.
I have come to the realization that the hurts I have received cannot be changed
but I can forgive, and now I can pay attention to the fact that in the future I will cause as little trauma as I can to others, especially as far as my children are concerned. The other special experience is that the Lord can heal in joy and cheerfulness! He is able to do this! It was a joy to experience this. P.CS.

With each teaching, I have become more and more deeply and strongly filled with the repentance, waking up from the false dream I was in. The desire in my heart became great to be freed from it, I was looking forward to it! When all this happened, I felt completely healed, I felt freedom, joy and happiness that I had never felt before. I experienced what it means to live in the light of Christ. Thanks and Glory be to God! And also, to the brothers and sisters, because without you I would not have been able to start a new life, a victorious Christian life! Thank you! B. T. J.

I have had many courses on self-awareness in my life that seemed to bring solutions to my life, only to find out that it wasn't why I went to the next one and the next one. This weekend I experienced that without God, whatever course I take, however much I educate myself – becomes useless after a while. I feel so much closer to God, I feel at peace and tranquility. These may be simple words, but they mean a lot to me, I can no longer see life as hopeless, difficult, without a way out. I feel the strength to do what God has entrusted to me to do. I know that I am not alone in the storms of life and I can face them with a clear conscience. V. E.

♥ It is with great pleasure to announce that we have a new staff member, Beata Harkel, as of February 1, who is working part-time for the Regnum Christi Foundation (and the other half-time for the Pinnochio Kindergarten).
We ask you to please support Beata financially as God is inspiring you, so that we would be able to cover the costs of the different taxes as well as her salary. You can send your support to the following bank account: BCR, Cod IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001, donatie pt Bea. Thank you and may God bless you for your generosity!

♥ In the New Year, we ask you again to donate 3.5% of your 2022 income tax to the Regnum Christi Foundation, in order to support the activities and programs of our ministry without any financial burden to you. Thank you!!!! Whoever so chooses, please fill out the form on the website (red lettering) and we will contact you as soon as possible.

We will take care of the further steps.

We make plans, organize programs...
© There will be a Philip Course in the town of Ciceu, between 5-7 of May. The course will provide an opportunity to experience a personal encounter with God, which will renew our faith life and create a real, intimate and personal experience of God. Please pass the information to people from that area who would like to participate.
" God is faithful; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord."   1Chor 1,9
Details: and Józsi Dánél, tel. 0742-679082.
© An Inner Healing course will be held in Ciceu between 1-4 of June. In his goodness and loving kindness, the Lord does not want us to be affected by the events and experiences of our past, which have left wounds in our souls. God wants to expand our boundaries through His deliverance and healing. Let us allow Him to do so! Condition for participation is the prior completion of the Philip course.
"In the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless,  having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. Phil 1, 10b-11
To register, call Józsi Dánél at 0742-679082.
© We also invite you to take note of the Theology of the Body course organized by the "He is the Way" ministry between 5-7 of May..
For details call Imola Kovács, tel: 0749-046176, email:

Prayer intentions:
Philip course:
- May God's love and message find open hearts;
- that the participants will be able to make a firm decision for Jesus through the empowering grace of the Holy Spirit.
Inner Healing Course:
- that the participants will recognize and surrender to Jesus their hurts and anger so that reconciliation will facilitate their own healing
- for the guidance of the Holy Spirit's for the ministering brothers and sisters.

„Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Mt 28,20)


Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed!

We wish that the

hope, joy and faith

of the Risen Jesus Christ

may be alive in your


With much love, on behalf of all the staff of the Foundation, Béci!


October – November - December 2021

' And let you yourselves be like men awaiting their lord, when he will return from the wedding; so that, when he arrives and knocks, they may open to him promptly. Let your waists be girded, and let lamps be burning in your hands. Blessed are those servants whom the Lord, when he returns, will find being vigilant. Amen I say to you, that he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat, while he, continuing on, will minister to them. And if he will return in the second watch, or if in the third watch, and if he will find them to be so: then blessed are those servants. But know this: that if the father of the family knew at what hour the thief would arrive, he would certainly stand watch, and he would not permit his house to be broken into. You also must be prepared. For the Son of man will return at an hour that you will not realize."' Luke 12:35-40

Reviews, thanksgiving…

♥ Thank God this year, we successfully organized the second course "God's response to the great challenges of life." Some testimonies of the participants:

K. Cs. I’we understood that my greatest enemy is stress and fear. These two things always defeat and paralise me. I need to change this. All this energy needs to be redirected to something constructive in life. I now have a plan on how to do this.

S. Á. For a long time I have been seeking God, and I have made many pointless laps, when He was near me all the time. I always believed that God loves everyone, except me. But true  a story I heard, He managed to convince me, that He loves me, and He is with me untill the end of the world. I have decided that from now on, I will not rely on my feelings, but on  the truth and promisess of God. T. I. I now know how important is to identify the reason of stress, and why I am angry, and no to get lost in details, but to treat what causes these. If I am tired, than that, whatever the reason may be, to be on the lookout. But for all these, the most important thing is to know who am I? Who am I in the eyes of God, then no one else will tell me what to do, I can decide for myself in complete freedom. I have decided that I will trust in the Lord and I will not make any more negative statements about others and myself. B. R.  I have realised with sadness that my identity as a child of God is not strong enough  in me. The little present I received helped me to understand and graved this in my heart. I have decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and I will not let fear get hold of me anymore. I will pay more attention on how I make my schedule, in order to be able to spend more time with my family. K. Zs. Time and time again I am convinced that no matter what the question is in life, the answer will always be Jesus. If I have my prayer time, I dedicate time spent with God, I have patience and strength for everything, I am not engry or shouty. The most important thing is to spend time with God, because everything else depends on this. I will not permit anymore lies to be in my thoughts, I will fight against these with the word of God, repeating His truths. I feel a thirst in me, for the Bible, I want to know and to use God’s mighty word.

♥ The brothers who attended the "Discernment" course in July recount their experience as follows:

L. I. I understood a lot of things, especially why I often have so many confused thoughts, where they come from and how they affect me. Now I know in what form the enemy is attacking me and how I can defend myself against these temptations. I know that Jesus' plan for me is to lead me to salvation, and for that he asks me not to cling to earthly things.

K.S.  I am especially grateful that I was able to come to this course with my wife and experience the same things, so our marriage was strengthened and together  we were able to make new decisions regarding  our common life. I encourage everyone, if there is a possibility to participate at these

courses  together with their partner. Here I realized that I want to make every decision in my life, so that it keeps me on the path of sanctity of life and leads me further on.

K. R. I realized in my life that I used to tell a lot of little lies, even though I was a Christian, yet I allowed that in my life. Now however  I have decided that since I belong to Jesus, I no longer want to allow this in my life.

Sz. D. Now I know that God allows me to have challenges and difficulties in life so that I do not become a spoiled  person. He always wants to keep me in good shape, especially spiritually. I also recognized the minor sins in my life and managed to confess them.

♥ We are very grateful to God that we managed to organize the 5th Festival for Youth Christians: He is the Way!, at  Târgu MureÈ™, in the castle. It was a very blessed meeting. We thank everyone for their financial support and prayers, mediation for the event and especially for the sacrificial work of the many volunteers. Be blessed for that! The festival can be reviewed at the following link:      or:

Plans, courses…

♥ The Filip course (in Hungarian) will take place between October 22-24 in Târgu MureÈ™. If you have not yet met the love of the living God, you have not experienced His work in your life, come and let Him reveal in your heart the Good News, the truth that sets you free! The central truth is that:

'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. '   John 3:16

♥We will organize an "Inner Healing" course on November 18-21 in Târgu MureÈ™. For the wounds we have experienced in our lives, which are deeply rooted in our souls and memories, the grace and power of the redemption of Jesus Christ can bring healing. The course will help you to recognize the wounds of the soul and to receive healing by faith

' But the God of all grace, who has called us to his eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will himself perfect, confirm, and establish us, after a brief time of suffering.'   1 Peter 5:10

Info and Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701.  e-mail: or


Prayer Intentions:

Philip course: - So that those who have been invited to this course several times can hear God's call and have the courage to participate.

- For participants to  have a personal encounter with the love of the Father.

Inner healing course: - In order for the participants to be able to truly surrender their wounds to the Lord Jesus, to be able to give up the past and to be able to recognize the joys of the present, in God's new plans.

- The light and wisdom of the Holy Spirit to lead participants to see where they need the power of Jesus' healing and deliverance in their lives.


The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account:

Banca Comercială Romănâ. TG-MUREÅž, str. Ghe. Doja 1-3,Cod IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001, donation for FundaÅ£ia Regnum Christi.

REVOLUT -Bereczki Béla tel. 0723214701, Account: GB06REVO00997074549617, cod BIC: REVOGB







June-July-August 2021

'But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein , he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: for he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. ' James 1:19-25

Reviews, thanksgiving…

♥  These are the testimonies of  participants in the  Philip course held at Ciceu: B.K. I would like to point out three things from this course : first the fact that I realised, that me too, as everyone I have a sinful nature. The second thing is the fact that I truly have to commit myself to Jesus, because up until now, I live a “demo” live, so to speak., and from now on, real life starts. R.J. I am really greatful to God that He gave me new brothers and systers through this course. The Holy Spirit trully gives us answers to all the questions of life, if we trust in Him. Still, many times, these answers don’t come as we expect them to come, but in other ways, far better. I would like to encourage everyone to belong  to a christian community. K.E. Many times I have experienced how before a task, I am nervous, and I always prayed to the Holy Spirit, and I always received strength and all my anxiousness was gone. I finally understood the fact that often, God uses us, people to do good. I believe that everyone would benefit  from a course such as this, as I did. I would like to encourage everyone to belong to a christian community. G.T. This joy I have seen in people’s heart is trully authentic.  30 years ago I have converted, but I believe that only now I have trully understood the joy of salvation, the knowledge from my head went to my heart. Now I know that God loves me unconditionally, and that for  Him, I am the most beutifull.  My faith was strengthened also in the fact that God has an answer for  everything, even for physical ilness. Especially after this pandemic period, I see the importance of community and living personal  relationships. N.E. So far I knew all these things, such as death on the cross, salvation etc...but the fact that someone, purely from love, gave His only son...for us... Me as a mother thought about this, if I would be able to do anything like that? Honestly.. probably not.  After many thoughts, I reached to the point of maybe yes..only if everything depended on it..but  still, the love of our Father, to do this thing, is incredible, and finally I believe I also understand it. S.A.  I had many WHY questions at  the beginning of the course. Why there is death, ilness and such. I received an answer for everything, only to understand that WHY is not important, more important is HOW? The Spirit helped to understand that HOW, also doesen’t matter, this is His job. If we trully wish salvation, there is no WHY, or HOW, God will take care of everything. I am very greatfull I was part of this course.

♥ The people who took part at „God’s answers to the great challenges of life” attest to the following:  K.R. I understood that no matter what life brings me, no matter the pain, wounds or worries that I get, I can never let that stress and depression and fear to take hold of me, but I should always look for God’s compnay. L.M. I have to let God to become the  one and only master of my life. It is important to always remember of God’s promisses for me.  I need far more rest, and I need to learn how to say „no” to things which are not my job. G.R. I understood that I have to control my own boundaries and I should not let any room for fear in my life, because fear is nothing else but loosing hope of help to come. From now on I will pay more attention to how I communicate, and I won’t be afraid. K.SZ. It’s clear to me now what a negative effect does fear and stress have on me, and how so many times these things led me to failure and let down. In order to beat this, I received many great advices and practical solutions, and through God I can be victorius from now on. K.E. Now I know that God doesn’t want me to carry more then He asks from me, and He helps to carry these. But he doesn’t  helps me to carry the weights he did not put on me, but helps me to get rid of them. I understood that we are in a spiritual warfare and it is important for me to always protect myself with His word and not to rely on my feelings, but on His promises. K.T. Now I know what to do when failure and depression comes to my life. I realise I am powerless when I listen to the voice of fear and I worry. Only the word of God can give me strength, make me brave, a fighter and also pretious. L.I. I understand that God doesn’t wants to control me or manipulate me. He gave me complete freedom. He doesn’t helps me to carry the burdens that are not from Him, but helps get rid of them. I know how important is my personal prayer time, and that I need to listen more to what He says to me.

♥ The „BE STRONG” training for young leaders and colaborators has reached to it’s final event, which will be held between 22-25 iulie. Thank you for you prayers, intercessions and especially for the financial support, as this is what helped to realize the training.

Plans, courses…

♥ God’s answer to the great challenges of life” is organised on the 2-4th of iulie, at Tg-MureÈ™.

Let us take courage and fight against the challenges we face every day, and be strenghtened by them and not paralised.

'Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. ' Romans 15:13

♥ We will hold Discernment course (in hungarian), also at Tg-MureÈ™, between 29 iulie – 1 august. The base of this course is the bible, the word of God, and the manuscripts of Ignatius of Loyola on how to differentiate the spirits, with the help of these we can discern what comes from God and what comes from the enemy. We recommend this course to those who want to live their life according to God’s will.

'having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: ' Ephesians 1:9

♥ This year once again will take place the the youth christian festival „

Anul acesta organizăm din nou festivalul creÈ™tin pentru tineri cu numele ” Å az út - He is the way - El este calea” on the 18-19th september at Tg-MureÈ™, in the medieval castle. Amongst the programs we will have prayer for healing, panthonim, worship dance, confessions and lots of other surprises. Everyone is welcomed, especially the young ones. More details to come.

 Info and Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail: ,or www.

Prayer Intentions:

God’s answer to the great challenges of life course: That the heart of participants to be opened to what God wants to tell them, and to be ready to act on these.

Discernment course: That the participants experience the guidance of the Lord, and the wisdom, which is from the Spirit, to differentiate spirits, and make great decisions in life.

The protective blood of Jesus be on participants as well as team members, so that we can deffend ourselves with the shield of faith from all the attacks of the enemy.

Ő az út - He is the way - El este calea: May the Spirit be the one who guides the organising team and the citiy officials, so that the festival can be organised just how God has planned it, and to produce rich and lasting fruits.

The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account:

Banca Comercială Romănâ. TG-MUREÅž, str. Ghe. Doja 1-3,Cod IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001, donation for FundaÅ£ia Regnum Christi.

REVOLUT -Bereczki Béla tel. 0723214701, Account: GB06REVO00997074549617, cod BIC: REVOGB

April-May-June 2021

“Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them…There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. And so you will bear testimony to me. But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves.  For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. „ Luke 21:7-15

Reviews, thanksgiving…

♥ The people who had the chance to receive God’s healing, through the Inner Healing Course, this is what they confess: F.O. During teachings I’ we understood that so many times  in my own life, neither have I saw myself through the loving eyes of our God. I have realised the importance to forgive and let go, even though so often is not easy, and I had to express my forgiveness more than once, I feel that the healing process has started in my heart.K.R. This course, just like the Filip course, came to me just at the right time. I am over a very difficult period in my life, and I have received many wounds and had many disappointments . This course has helped to realise my weaknesses, how I take on conflicts, and how many times I wear masks in order to blend in, and also how can I recive healing from God. Here I’we learned that any wounds that still lived in my memories, to put them in God’s hands and to ask forgiveness and healing.K. K. I have realised many aspects in my life, such as where does all my anxiety comes from, and why so many times I lack self confidence. As a parent now I know in how many ways I have to be there for my child. Through forgiveness I managed to let go of things,  that influenced my  attitude in life in a very negative way.T.G. I have realised in what way the wounds I have received through my life, influence my attitude in relationships, and where does this constant feeling of unfilled love comes from. Now I know how my relationship with my mother influences my own relationship with my daughter, and how can healing start from this situation.V.A. The inner healing course has helped me to be free from many things and guided me in recognising sins and what steps do I need to follow in order to not have anymore, part in them. This course has also helped me to realise that Jesus already payed the price of all my sins, and He loves me with and unconditonal love.

♥ This is how the participants of the Philip course, held in March, shared their experiences:

V.L. During this course I have realised how much  God loves me, and what He is able to do in my life, if I only allow Him. I  returned home gaining a lot of encouragement and strength, now I know that God has a perfect plan for me, and if He has such a great plan for me, why would I not set out on His path. I have felt His love for me once again, and it was so good to hear Him speaking to me through other people, and that He loves me. D.O. I would like to point out two things I have learned during this course: The first is the fact that until now, I have always tried to escape from my weaknesses by myself, now I know that this is only possible with the help of the Holy Spirit. The second thing is, that I was never able to admit to myself that I too have the tendencie to comit sins. Admiting this weakness I can defend myself  better from falling into traps. A.Cs I have realised the fact that I am not alone in  this search, and this fact gives me great courage. I have heard many times that God loves me and takes care of me, but I have never  truly felt it in my heart. During prayer this truth has become so clear to me. I feel a desire that my life reflects this, and through this fact other peoples life may also change, and people will get to know Him. Cs.Sz. I have had the possibility to experience the Holy Spirit, and that He is not just a fictional character, but an actual living person. He is in us, fills us with life, gives us strength and encourages us. I wish I could share this experience with other young people too, the fact that God loves us so immensely, and you can feel this through His spirit. G.A. For a long time I lived believing that I am getting from life what I gave, I believed in Karma. Now I  know that this is a lie. Satan is the one sharing cards in a way that people suffer, and that bad things are never from God. I am so greatful that I received an invitation and that I could come.

♥ We are extremly greatful to God that since the beginning of the year we managed to restart our activity at the Pinochio Creative Christian Kindergarden with 25 children, this way we have hope that financialy will be able to sustain the kindergaden.

♥ Our coworker, Nyulas József got married with Lídia last year in October, and God has now blessed them and they are waiting for a child. József is currently employed part time, but he wishes to serve in full time, and also to be able to support his family, as the motto of the fundation says:

„But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

In order for this to be possible, we still need monthly the amount of 1500 lei, and for this we are looking for brothers and sisters to sustain us financialy. If God guides you to be a partner in this, please contact me personally: Bereczki Béla mobile: 0723-214701 or via e-mail:

Plans, courses…

♥ We will have Philip course in Ciceu, on 14-16th of May, held in Hungarian. We can have a new and eternal life in Christ, if we admit and recognize that there is no other Savior, and we invite Him to our hearts. The Philip course leads us to this truth, revealing God`s wonderful plan to the fallen man.


”But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to those who believe in His name” John 1, 12


♥We will search for God's Answer to the Great Challenges of Life (in Hungarian) on 7-9th of  May at Tărgu MureÈ™. The multitude of challenges that we encounter throughout our lives can make us lose heart, can take our cheer to life, or lead us into depression, when we can no longer see the purpose of our life. We must fight seriously against them, and seek answers and solutions among the truths of God.


”May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Rom15, 13


Info and Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail: ,or www.

Prayer Intentions:

Philip course: The love of the Heavenly Father and the redemption of Jesus Christ would be an invitation to the participants to surrender their life to God.

God`s Answer to Great Challenges of Life course:- may the participants become stronger from the presence and from the Truth of God, and they can fight with the challenges of life


We wish that the good news of salvation  fill your hearts with hope again this year.

We wish you a blessed Easter!

With much love, on behalf of the collaborators of the foundation, Béci!

The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account:

Banca Comercială Romănâ. TG-MUREÅž, str. Ghe. Doja 1-3,Cod IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001, donation for FundaÅ£ia Regnum Christi.

REVOLUT -Bereczki Béla tel. 0723214701, Account: GB06REVO00997074549617, cod BIC: REVOGB





April-May-June 2020

 “It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us: If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.”(2Timothy 2:11-13)

Reviews, thanksgiving…

♥ This is how the participants of the Philip course, held at Miercurea Ciuc shared their experiences: I learned how I can live out my faith and the Holy Spirit gave me a gift. In the last few days especially I felt a desire to praise and worship our Lord. I am thankful that he gave me the gift of praise. L.CS.

I always was the kind of men who walked his own path, I felt strong and brave, but now I feel that alone I won’t make it, I need the support of a community. I feel the need to belong somewhere. God is guiding me and leading me to this. K.B. More testimonies at:

♥ We also had two Inner Healing Courses, below there are some sincere testimonies:

I was convinced that I am the only one carring wounds, no one but me, and I’we managed to hide it for so long, always having self-pity. And know at this course these people are telling me, that after carying these wounds for 40 years, there is healing?! I could not believe it. I know that through forgiveness healing has started. I admire how the brothers are carrying these burdens with us. May God bless them. K.L.  I feel like until now, I lived in a shell and had no knowledge about occultism and the dangers it has. During counselling I realized the fact that I have many disappointments and wounds caused by my father and this directly influences how I see God as the Father. I was able to forgive him and I know that healing process has begin between us. T.N.

♥Due to the state of emergency, caused by the Covid 19, we are experiencing some hard times.

In these period we can only rely on your donations to cover the expenses of the foundation.

If you wish to become a partner in helping in this you can do this via:

- B.C.R. TG-MUREÅž, str. Ghe. Doja 1-3,Cod IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001, donation for

Fundaţia Regnum Christi.

- REVOLUT -Bereczki Béla tel. 0723214701, Kont: GB06REVO00997074549617, cod BIC: REVOGB

May God bless you in all of your needs and strengthen you with the hope of Christ’s ressurection!

Plans, courses…

Due to the uncertainty caused by  the state of emergency we only announce a single course, but we pray and have the hope we are going to restart our activities soon, and will be back with further details.

♥  Discerning Course (in hungarian) will be held between 22 and 26 july.  in Baile Harghita. The methods that the participant will get to know can help them see clearer what comes from God and what comes from the enemy.

“you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect..”      Rom 12,2

For participation it is necessary to take part on a Philip course previously.  For sing up contact Bereczki Béla, nr: 0723-214701 or via e-mail

’’But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony

 Of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.’’ (Acts 2:24)




   We wish you a blessed Easter, in the name of all coworkers, Béci!





January – February – March 2020

"When you come into the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations.There shall not be found among you any one who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, any one who practices divination, a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer,or a charmer, or a medium, or a wizard, or a necromancer.For whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD; and because of these abominable practices the LORD your God is driving them out before you.You shall be blameless before the LORD your God.” Deu 18, 9-13

Reviews, thanksgiving

♥ The participants of the last two  Philip course organized in Targu Mures gave testimonies of the things they experienced on this retreat: I have learned that I shouldn't blame the people around me for the diseases and bad things that happen in this world, and that these are always the consequences of the man's sinful nature and of the sin. I have realized how important is to discerne my own thoughts as these are not always coming from the Holy Spirit. The lies of the Evil are always attached to our own personal wounds and in this way grow roots in our heart, and we become disapointed in  God and people around us. R.H.; I realized that I have started building my faith without a solid basic knowledge. This course gave me a clear teaching and spiritual guidance to feel the void, and now I can continue building on a solid knowledge. Alongside of all this there were some really good practical experiences combined with the spiritual experiences that have reached my heart.N.Á.; I was strugling with many inner fears, specially regarding the question of death fear. Through the Holy Spirit I received peace, and through prayers God spoke to me.T.I; I understood how important it is to have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, because only with His help I can discern what is from God and what is from the Evil one, so that I can act in accordance with God's will.I also realised I am not evil, but I have a sinful nature and I have to be careful not to give a chance for these to bear fruits. N.K.; This weekend I have experienced the love of God, that deeply touched me. I have been strenghtend in my faith, and I fill the desire  to serve my brothers even more in my community.F.L.; God did not abandoned me even when I was unfaithful to him. He came closer with His loving kindness,  I know understand the importance to belong in a community.M.H.;

♥ At the Pinocchio Kindergarten we ended a really blessed and beautiful year with 27 children. We are especially thankful to God for His providence and for receiving  our  financial support from our government. Without this, we could not exist. Glory to God!
♥ From January will restart a leadership training for youth, that is called “BE STRONG!” with 26 attendants. Its purpose is to train young coworkers (aged between 18 and 27 years), that are able to build the Kingdom of  God in our communities as leaders of the next generation.

“You then, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus!” (2Tim 2,1)

The training consists in 10 meetings and will end in may 2021.For more details go to Due to the fact that the majority of the trainees are still students, who are not even able to pay for their own share, we are still in need for 3000 lei (650 euro) per event. So we are looking for 30 founders, who each with 100 lei would be willing to help covering the costs of organising these events.We ask you to discern in prayer if you would like to be partner in training the leaders of the new generation, and get back to: Bereczki Béla, phone nr: 0723-214701 or via e-mail:

Plans, courses

♥We will organise Philip course on the dates mentioned below:

24-26 January in Miercurea Ciuc. Registration: Jozsef Danel, tel: 0742-679082 or e-mail:  This course helps the participants to have a deep and intimate encounter with the risen Christ, by getting to know and accepting the truths of God.

“I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Gal 2,20)

♥ There will be Inner Healing course in:

Târgu MureÈ™ between the 6-9th of February.

Miecurea Ciuc between the 20-23th February.

giving opportunity to experience by the grace of Jesus’ presence the healing of our inner wounds by identifying the traumas of our past.

“Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”     Luke 5,31-32

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

In order to have common basis, it is necessary to take part on a Philip course previously.


Prayer Intentions:

Philip course:
- that the love and message of God to find open hearts
- that the participants make a firm decision for Jesus by the strengthening grace of the Holy Spirit.

Inner Healing Course:
- may the participants identify their wounds and anger and give them to Jesus so as to promote their own healing through reconciliation.
- the brethren serving in inner healing may be lead by the Holy Spirit.

BE STRONG! - leadership training for youth:
- Father, give wholehearted participants and a team that serves in unity and anointment;
- help us find the necessary supporters trough whom we will be able to cover the expenses;

We wish you a Happy Christmas and a New Year full of blessings!

With brotherly love in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!


The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, 

Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!

July – August – September 2019


For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from fornication;  that each one of you know how to control your own body in holiness and honor, not with lustful passion, like the Gentiles who do not know God;  that no one wrong or exploit a brother or sister in this matter, because the Lord is an avenger in all these things, just as we have already told you beforehand and solemnly warned you. For God did not call us to impurity but to holiness.”        1Thess 4,3-7


Reviews, thanksgiving

♦ The Inner Healing Course always brings a new, fresh fire in the participants, and sets them on a road – the road of reconciliation – on which if they persist, their lives will be more peaceful, more prosperous and filled with love. We give you some testimonies from the course we had in Targu MuresK. T.: I did not even think about how much I am defined by what I had received from my parents during my childhood, and how much I can make it be felt both in a positive and negative way. K. E.: what I take home with me in my heart is that healing is a process, there’s no point waiting for something great to happen at a certain time, so it’s nothing special, but this whole thing is a process, and one must make the first step in it. Although I don't see it right away that something would be different, it does not mean that it was a complete waste of time, but it is the first step, and then we do it again and again, as many times as needed. I have to trust in the Lord that this will happen in its time. B. O.: I understood that I have to restore spiritual, emotional and physical things, I have to prioritize, because I tried out all the variations, but I think the spiritual is the hardest to establish, but that is the one which is very stable. This must be done with Jesus. F. B.: I realized that I had repressed many memories over the years, but the injuries persisted in me, and I managed to identify them. What I have managed to put down and heal from it is that I must always respond to everyone’s needs and not make mistakes, but I realized that if I serve God and not the people, then God’s opinion must have importance. And God told me yesterday that it is enough for him that I do what I can and I don’t have to be always perfect.

♦ At the end of April we finished the Be strong! – leadership training for youth, and we are very thankful to the Lord for all the participants and serving brethren, who made this training possible. I want to thank every supporter who helped us in having all the necessary financial background even for the last meeting. I thank you from the heart to all who chose anonymity when helping us with a smaller or greater amount of money, thus we could cover all the expenses of the training. May God pay you back and bless you abundantly!!!


Plans, courses

♦ There will be the God's Answer to the Great Challenges of Life course (in Hungarian) on 12-14th of July in Baile Harghita. Let’s fight against the challenges we face, so that they would not paralyze us, but we get even stronger instead.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Rom15, 13

Info and Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail: ,or www.

♦ The Discernment Course (in Hungarian)  will take place between the 24-28th of July in Baile Harghita. The methods that the participant will get to know can help them see clearer what comes from God and what comes from the enemy.

you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect..”      Rom 12,2

For participation it is necessary to take part on a Philip course previously. Details on, under the ‘Actual’ menu.

♦ We will give the Inner Healing course in Odorheiu Secuiesc between the 29th of August and the 1st of September.

Jesus said: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick”. (Mt 9,12)

Participation is possible only after a Philip course.
Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♦ He is the Way! – Christian Youth Music Festival on the 14th of September. We encourage every young and younghearted person to note this date in your calendars, and with your presence give testimony together with us that Jesus lives, and He is the only way to the Father! Invited guest worship leaders. László Csiszér and Eddy.

♦ On the 20-22nd of September we offer you again the possibility to get stronger in the prophetic healing and deliverance ministry, led by Gordon van Veelen, theologian from Holland. We are looking forward to those who want to grow in the proper use of the gifts of the Spirit.

He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha cum,” which means, “Little girl, get up!”  And immediately the girl got up and began to walk about. (Mk 5,41-42a)

The condition for participation is Philip Course and Inner Healing Course, and recommandation from the leader of the community.
Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:


Prayer Intentions:

GAGCL: - may the Holy Spirit help the participants recognize that relying on God’s truths they can live a victorious life

Discernment Course: - may the Lord give wisdom and vision to discern the spirits and make the right decisions

Inner Healing Course: - may the participants turn to Jesus, our Savior, with trust in His power, and his presence may result healing of souls

He is the Way!: - may this festival serve for the revival of the youth and awakening in our region

Pinocchio Kindergarten: - may the arrival of new children and the state subsidy make possible the covering of the kindergarten’s expences.


With brotherly love, in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!

The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!

April – May – June 2019


        “We know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus, and will bring us with you into his presence. Yes, everything is for your sake, so that grace, as it extends to more and more people, may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God. So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day.”                                                                                                                 2 Cor 4,14-16


Reviews, thanksgiving

 We began this year with a course in Corund, highlighting God’s Answers to the Great Challenges of Life, and helping the participants recognize the challenging problems in their lifes, unveiling what God says about these in the Bible. Some thoughts of the parttakers about their experiences: Gy. E.: I feel that I am never alone, Jesus is always with me and helps me solve all my problems, so I just give my troubles to Him. B. E.: I found that I am scared of many things, I worry about many things, and I need to have the courage to give them to God, and I shouldn’t keep them and fight to please my fears, but I should lift my eyes to God. L. E.: Everything depends on my attitude. I understood that I have to let everyone have his free will, and just pray in the background for him to be able to make his right decision. B. E.: It is very important for me to know who I am, what I am called for and to be able to fulfill God’s will. K. R.: The most important for me is to learn to assign the tasks, to delegate. Unfortunatelly I tend to take on too much work, that exceeds my strength. It is my firm decision to involve some help, to reorganize my things, and I’m asking for God’s help in this. R. B.: I decided that together with my husband we will introduce a time of prayer, because we didn’t have any until now. We rather switch off the TV and pray first.

♥ We had a Philip Course in Miercurea Ciuc and one in Odorheiu Secuiesc. You can read some of the feedbacks of the participants: T. L: At a time I experienced God’s nearness, but then for some reason I’ve lost that sence. Here, however, I experienced it anew that God is close to me. Gy. E.: that God has written my name into His palm, so I am in his mind, thoughts and heart always and in all circumstances. I understood that I mustn’t depend on my feelings and sences when it’s about God. B. M.: I decided to believe God! I already experienced that if I don’t believe God alone, then the evil spirit tries and succeeds to push me into the mire. K. E.: I realized that my faith is not only about going to church, pray a bit and go home. I am convinced now that I can truly believe: God is with me, and He really loves me. M. E.: How good it is to live like this: there is a new start, there is a chance, there is love. There is a Son, who is waiting for the encounter, and last night I met Him. F. R.: I realized also that God gave me talents for a reason, so I shouldn’t burry them but rather make them flourish. H. E.: This is the best gift of this year, 2019, and it is only March. Many thanks for making possible for me to be here.

 On the Be Strong! – leadership training for youth we had another two weekend meetings, where we talked about community and the different ministries, as well as about the duties that suite best the different personalities, and how can these people build up an effective leading team. In April we will have the closing weekend, for which we are asking for your material support, because we still need 2500 lei (cca. 500 €) to cover all the expenses.

 At the Pinocchio Kindergarten there are 18 children, and by the the grace of God we managed to obtain legal personality, so it is due that we receive the state grant for this school year. Please pray that we do get the support!

Plans, courses

♥ We will have Inner Healing Course (in hungarian) on 4-7th of April, in Targu Mures.
From the point of view of our own soul and body health and that of our relationships, it is important to recognize and solve our inner wounds, and to ask for God's healing, who wants the power of salvation to penetrate into all spheres of our lives.

“Lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God.” Col 1, 10​

Participation is possible for those who have already been to Philip Course.
Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:, or www.

 We will search for God's Answer to the Great Challenges of Life (in Hungarian) on 11-14th of  July in Harghita Bai. The multitude of challenges that we encounter throughout our lives can make us lose heart, can take our cheer to life, or lead us into depression, when we can no longer see the purpose of our life. We must fight seriously against them, and seek answers and solutions among the truths of God.

”May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Rom15, 13

Info and Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail: ,or www.

 There will be a Discernment Course (in Hungarian) on 24-28th of July in Harghita Bai, where - based on the word of God and the rules of Saint Ignatius - you can learn to discern inspirations, motivations, thoughts, to find out what comes from God and what from the enemy. By this you will be able to make decisions that will keep you in the will of God.
" may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect." Rom 12,2

For the participation is necessary to have Philip course first.
Info and Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

Prayer Intentions:

Inner Healing course:
 Holy Spirit lead the participants to recognize and to surrender their wounds and to experience freedom and healing in Jesus name.

God`s Answer to Great Challenges of Life course:
may the participants become stronger from the presence and from the Truth of God, and they can fight with the challenges of life

Discernment course:
- may the Holy Spirit of God bring his light in the participants in the examination of their thoughts, actions and motivations, and in the discernment of feelings and inspiration.


God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it. Acts 2,24

I wish you graceful Easter holidays

in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!

The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!


January – February – March 2019


        “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart...” 
                                                                                                                                 Hebrews 12,1b-3


Reviews, thanksgiving

♥ In the past 3 months we had Inner Healing Course in Cluj-Napoca and in Dealu. It is always a great joy and mercy to experience the miracle-working presence of Gof and seeing that our brethren are set free and healed and they set themselves on the path of reconciliation. Please, receive some testimonies from them with the same joy: B. B.: I feel now that I have a lot of strength in me, but I know that this strenght is from Christ, and I somehow need to keep it, I need to ask Him to stay with me, because I am not able by myself. S. B.: There was a picture alive in me, that I am left alone all over the places, I will never have a partner in my life, I will remain single, and even if I will have somebody, he won't care about me anyway, but he will leave me all alone. I realized that this was a lie. H. M.: I felt that I could never be angry with someone for days, months or years, still the namelist got longer and longer and I got surprised how many people there are whom I need to forgive. N. E.: More than 10 years ago I went to an occultist to pour lead for my daughter, and last week I happened to find it, because I’ve been keeping it since then, but now I threw it out. I just realised how much grace I received from God, because he forgave me this trespass, He cut off the occult ties, and it’s no coincidence that I had thrown that thing out last week. I’ve been liberated from all it’s burden. B. M.: It was hard to forgive myself, because I thought that everything comes in life, including bad things, is my portion, because I am the way I am, it is what I deserve. I am sure now that I’m called to live in love and not to endure the things I’m experiencing day by day.

♥ We had a Philip Course in Singeorgiu de Mures, on which the participants of the Women’s Island (an initiative for women to meet on a monthly basis, to get to know each other and God’s truths) had the opportunity to receive the message of the Good News and the new, eternal life offered to us in Christ. J .I.: I came here with the sence of being very distant from God lately and I didn’t know why. I have had many experiences with God, and I also felt it here last night that the Holy Spirit fills me. There had to be many things passing by in order to realize that I have to give my life to God again and again. K. R.: I’ve learned that all the things are so simple, also the things we heard here on the Philip Course, that the most essential thing is to make a decision. We can’t serve two masters, we have to decide whom we serve, and we can’t do it half-heartedly or lukewarm. B. O.: I came here with a big question mark, weather God loved me if I was a sinner. It was good to experience that He loves me indeed even if I am a sinner.

♥ On the Be Strong! – leadership training for youth we deepened the steps of evangelization and helped the participants to find their calling and vision and to grow in it.

♥ At the Pinocchio Kindergarten we close this year with 18 children, and by the grace of God we finally managed to solve that the Gindergarten to function as a separate legal person, thus we can hope to receive again the state grant that we are entitled to. Glory to our God who provides!

Plans, courses

♥ On the 25-27th of January we will have God`s Answer to Great Challenges of Life in Corund. We can face many challenges in our life and we can find ourselves in situations, where we feel like “I can`t take it anymore”. We can find answers and solutions in the Truth of God to the stress, failure, discouragement, depression and other difficult situations.

“Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.”1 Cor 2, 12

Participation is possible for those who have already been to Philip Course.

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:, or www.

♥ We will have Philip course in Miercurea Ciuc, on 8-10th of February, and on 1- 3rd of March in Odorheiu Secuiesc. We can have a new and eternal life in Christ, if we admit and recognize that there is no other Savior, and we invite Him to our hearts. The Philip course leads us to this truth, revealing God`s wonderful plan to the fallen man.

”But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to those who believe in His name” John 1, 12

Info and Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail: , or www.

♥ On the 4-7th of April there will be Inner Healing Course in Targu Mures. It is very important for our physical and mental health to recognize our inner wounds and to ask healing to them from God, Who wants to fulfill our lifes with the power of the resurrection.

“That you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;” Col 1,10

Info and Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

Prayer Intentions:

  • God`s Answer to Great Challenges of Life course:may the participants become stronger from the presence and from the Truth of God, and they can fight with the challenges of life
  • Philip course: The love of the Heavenly Father and the redemption of Jesus Christ would be an invitation to the participants to surrender their life to God.
  • Inner Healing course: Holy Spirit lead the participants to recognize and to surrender their wounds and to experience freedom and healing in Jesus name.
  • Pinocchio Kindergarten: to experience God`s guidance and abundance in the new year, in the finances and in the functioning and leadership of the kindergarten.


We wish you a Happy Christmas and a New Year full of blessings!

With brotherly love, in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!

The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!



October-November-December- 2018

        ”I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at His appearing and His Kingdom: preach the Word; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but having itching ears, they shall heap to themselves teachers in accordance with their own lusts. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned toward fables.”                                               2Tim4,1-4

Reviews, thanksgiving

♥ In July we had Discernment course, where we tried to help the participants to get to know and to use the discernment methods. We believe God wants a fulfilled life for all of us, so He wants us to know his plan, His will and to fulfill it.  You can read some of the participants' experiences: K.J: I understood that sin is drawn from money, vanity and trump. I'm not allowed to live with wide consciousness. Many  times I make the mistake of explaining to me why certain things are not yet considered to be sins, or even if I know it is sin, God forgives me anyway and He is patient. Now I have realized that His patience has limits, and that I can not live a double life. I have to weigh things like my daily schedule, how much I do with my family, how much I do with work, and balance them to please God. GY.I. I have to try to examine myself better and pay attention to the extent to which I walk in the Lord's way. I realized that I must persevere in prayer, I can not be lazy in this area. If something (bad) happens in my life, it is because God is testing me. K.D. So far, I have taken the spiritual fight too softly. I realized that without a firm, steady position I have no chance. Besides, I was deeply touched by one thing: I should not stick to the earthly things. T.B. I understood that God has given us strength over our own spiritual life, and firstly it depends on our decisions if it is hell or heaven that waits  for us. T.E. We are all in battle, I can not be neutral either. Satan's tactics can be recognized, so we can defend ourselves against them. We are not a prey to him. We can live a victorious life! V.M. Whether I like it or not, I am a player on the playing field. I understand that Satan can act only to the extent that I allow him. I decided I would not make decisions in time of desolation. T.L. We need poverty in the spirit to go into the kingdom of God. I understood that in desolation I must remain unwavering in the decisions made in time of consolation. We must learn to accept what life brings, and in all let us obey Jesus.

♥ We had a blessed meeting in July in the leadership and collaborator training for young people - Be strong! - with 75 participants with the leadership of Chris McGee from England. We will continue in October with our young people, with the second part of the training, when we have the opportunity to grow in evangelism and leadership.

♥ We started the new school year at the Pinocchio Creative Christian Kindergarten with 15 children, and we are very grateful to God for this! However, we ask you to continue praying with us for at least 3-4 children to come and find enough financial help to cover the kindergarten expenses. The legal personality of the kindergarten is underway, and we hope that next year we can get the state subsidy after the children attending the Pinocchio kindergarten.

Plans and courses

♥  We will have Inner Healing Course between October 25th and 27th in Cluj Napoca29th of November - 2th of December in Dealu. The grace and the power of salvation of Jesus Christ can heal the injuries received in life, which are deeply inscribed in our soul and memory. The course helps to find and recognize these wounds so that we can grasp the healing.

And, after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory in Christ will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 1Pt 5, 10

Registration: Bereczki Béla, tel: 0723-214701 or  e-mail:

♥ There will be Philip Course (in hungarian) in December 7-9 at Sângeorgiu de MureÅŸ. If you have not yet met the living God's love, you have not experienced His work in your life, then let Him reveal in Your heart the Good News, that truth that sets you free. The most central truth is:

For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Jn 3, 16

Registration: Bereczki Béla, tel: 0723-214701 or  e-mail:

♥ The Transylvanian Charismatic Catholic Renewal Meeting (TCCR) will take place on Saturday, October 13, in Miercurea Ciuc, in the ErÅ‘ss Zsolt Sports Arena. We will have Noel Chircop as invited lecturer from Malta, who has extensive experience in evangelism, being a member of the Institute for World Evangelization. The motto of the meeting is:  “Follow Me” Mt 9,9. The program starts at 9:00 in the morning and ends at 19:00. We will have praise, teaching, testimony, youth program, Eucharistic adoration, holy liturgy. More information can be found at or facebook f/ekkm.

Prayer requests:

Inner Healing Course:
 - the loving presence of the Lord to be poured out, and through the grace of salvation, the participants experience healing

Philip Course:
- the Heavenly Father's love to fill the heart of the participants so that they can decide to accept their new life in Christ

Pinocchio Kindergarten:
- the blessing of the Lord be over the process of acquiring legal personality for kindergarten, and over the spiritual and physical development of children and colleagues.

The Meeting of Charismatic Catholic Renewal in Transylvania (TCCR):
The Holy Spirit may guide organizers on all organizational issues, and to remove obstacles beyond human capacity
- that we would be prepared to respond to the call of our Master and to be able to walk with joy in our personal and community call

With brotherly love, in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!

The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!


July – August – September 2018


        “If you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to deth the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry: Abba! Father!, it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God.”
                                                                                                                     Rom 8,13-16


Reviews, thanksgiving

♥ We had a Philip Course in Odorheiu Secuiesc between the 15th and 17th of June. Here you have some encouraging testimonies: N. I.: I had a very pleasant surprise on this course. Yesterday evening I was walking home and I had an impulse that I should go to my wife, give her a kiss and thank her for gently leading me towards this course. P. Cs.: This course helped me change my attitude towards my faith and the way I can give it on to others. M. I.: Everything was so new to me. I was not a religious person, I didn`t like to go to the church. I somehow had this thought though that God loved me, but I couldn`t comprehend why is there so much sin, why am I such a sinner. It was also a new thing thtat Jesus had already saved me. I`ve received so many things, I started to see more clearly. B. M.: The first thing I could`t believe was that God could love me with the past I have. Then I realized that it is not He who moved away from me, but it`s me who turned away from Him, and I just need to turn back to Him and I will receive the same love as others do. B. A.: I was rased up in a religious manner, and until this course I thought that everything was ok with me, I have a relationship with God. But I did have many lacks in various areas, and now all these things were put in place. The mistery of resurrection gave answer to everything. I am so grateful for being here. F. S.: I`ve already been to a Philip Course, and in spite of the fact that the course is essentially the same, it can touch you in a different way. Probably this experience is possible not only on this course here, but the essence of the community is somehow the same: when we go to a community meeting, there we can experience God`s love in different ways, depending on what stage of our life we are at.

♥ We are very thankful to God for the way he works in the life of the participants of the Be strong! – leadership training for youth. Between 8th and 13th of June the whole group will participate in an international leadership training conference organized by the youth belonging to ENC (European Network of Communities), with Chris McGee as a leader, and with 75 parttakers, in the Manresa Retreat Center in Cluj Napoca. We need further prayers and supporters so that we can help those participants who as students can`t afford to pay the participation fee.

♥ Since we haven`t found an appropriate building for the Pinocchio Kindergarten we are forced to stay in the actual house, and we will still try to solve the question of legal personality of the kindergarten, so that we can get state support by next year. Until then we will need aprox. 3000 ron (650 €) monthly to have the kindergarten functioning. For this reason we ask for your support and donations.

Plans, courses

♥ The date of the Discernment Course is July 25-29.  We are waiting those to register who would like to get to know methods that can help them recognize and follow the will of God in their lives. The course draws from the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius, and helps in learning the methods through concrete practices and case studies.

“Wisdom is radiant and unfading, and she is easily discerned by those who love her, and is found by those who seek her.”            Wisdom 6,12

In order to have common basis, it is necessary to take part on a Philip course previously. Registration deadline: 25th of June. Details on, under the ‘Actual’ menu.

♥ We will organize again a training for prophecying, healing and deliverance ministry on 21-23 September in Targu Mures, with Gordon van Veelen as leader, who is theologian from Holland, and actively serves in Healing Rooms Ministry founded in the USA. The purpose of this training is to grow in the proper use of the gifts of the Spirit.

"That evening they brought to him many who were possessed with demons; and he cast out the spirits with a word, and cured all who were sick". Mt 8,16

The condition for participation is Philip Course and Inner Healing Course, and recommandation from the leader of the community.

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:


Prayer Intentions:

Discernment Course:

- may the Spirit of God bring light in reviewing our thoughts, deeds and motivations, and in discerning the feelings and inspirations

- the protecting presence of Jesus Christ may surround the serving brethren and the participants

- may the participants aquire the gift of discerning, thus making decisions according to God`s will and may be able to accomplish them

Pinocchio Kindergarten

- the Holy Spirit may give us wisdom and lead us in managing the official matters

- for new children to be enrolled, and to find supporters for helping us through this difficult period.


With brotherly love, in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!

The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!



April – May – June 2018


        “Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere love of the brethren, love one another earnestly from the heart. You have been born anew, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God; for “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord abides for ever.”              1Pet 1,22-25a


Reviews, thanksgiving

♦ We had our first Philip course of this year in Miercurea Ciuc , where we could experience the overflowing grace of God, when the participant opened their hearts for the Holy Spirit to work in them. We impart some details from the testimonies they gave: U.H.: God calls us to have a joyful life, and if we invite Him into our hearts – as we did on this weekend –, we start to live our eternal life here and now, and we don’t have to wait until we die, but living in a loving relationship with Him means full happiness, and thus things that happen in this life don’t really matter anymore. Sz. A.: Everything I knew only in my head until now, reached my heart. B. E.: During the invocation of the Holy Spirit I saw myself as I was almost drowning in water, but somehow I managed to crawl out to the shore, and though this picture I understood that my life has really been like a survival, a battle just to survive this day, this minute, this hour. I feel now that there is real hope for me to get to the shore somehow. M. B.: I realized how important the Holy Spirit was, that we can rely on Him in hard times too.

♦ The next course was the Inner Healing Course also in Miercurea Ciuc. Laying their spiritual wounds in the healing presence of Jesus, and experiencing inner healing and the power of forgiving, the participants shared the following with great joy: K. B.: It was very hard for me to forgive especially to a couple of people, but I feel that the process has already started in me, and I can give them an honest smile, so the hurt they caused is starting to heal. H. B.: During the course it became clear that I have a few masks inside me which I use to put on to comply, or to show that I was somebody too. I think that deep inside it was the hardest to forgive to myself for saying that I was not capable of doing things, and I was not worthy enough. Sz. A.: I experienced how much better is to live my life smiling and loving, and not walking on the streets with bent head and weaping.

♦The Philip Course given in Targu Mures and the experienceable presence and love of God was a real strengthening for the participant. I. B.: I feel that I’ve been strengthened and I can make the necessary step, so that I might not have expectations towards people and the community, but to be able to do my part. F. B.: Now I managed to become aware of how great of a price did Jesus pay with his suffering and death, and we should definitely be thankful to Him for that. M. M.: I understood that the purpose of community is not for a bunch of people who are great friend for 10 years to get together and have a good discussion, but I also have my place there, and I can be useful in that community, even if I am new there. G. G.: I fell that the Holy Spirit touched me during this weekend. Today everybody is smiling: this is the work of the Holy Spirit. We should live this feeling every moment of our lives.

♦We thank you for all who prayed and especially supported financially the training of leaders and coworkers launched for the youth under the name Be Strong!, that we have started in January with 20 participants. The Lord Jesus has called very open and enthusiastic young persons who are willing and trying to interiorize the truths that they hear and are searching for God’s calling. Between the 6th and 8th of April there will be the third weekend of the training.

♦ In order for the Pinocchio Kindergarten to qualify for state subvention (that would be a great help for us to keep it going on), we need it to function as a legal person separate from the Foundation. However, the owners of the house we are now renting wouldn’t agree on this. So we are facing again the situation of searching for a new building that complies with the functioning conditions of a kindergarten, and we can pay the expenses of it, too. We ask you to pray for us to be able to find the appropriate building!

Plans, courses

♦ We will give Philip course on the 20th to 22nd of April in Gheorgheni, and on the 15th to 17th of June in Odorheiu Secuiesc.

This course offers the possibility to experience the personal love of God and to get to know and accept the most important truths about life that He has declared.

“What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us.” 1 Chor 2,12

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♦ The date of the Discernment Course iJuly 25-29.  We are waiting those to register who would like to get to know methods that can help them recognize and follow the will of God in their lives. The course draws from the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius, and helps in learning the methods through concrete practices and case studies.

“Wisdom is radiant and unfading, and she is easily discerned by those who love her, and is found by those who seek her.”    Wisdom 6,12

In order to have common basis, it is necessary to take part on a Philip course previously. Registration deadline: 25th of June. Details on, under the ‘Actual’ menu.

Prayer Intentions:

Philip course:

- that the participants to experience that the only truth that will set them free is that which is discovered by God in their hearts.
- that they draw strength and trust from the power of the Holy Spirit to be able to make the decision to follow Christ

Discernment Course:
- that by the methods of discernment and the grace of the Holy Spirit the participants to see clearer the will of God.
- the Holy Spirit to give strength and wisdom both to the participants and the organizers, and to make grow their physical fitness during the services.

Pinocchio Kindergarten
- That we would find a place for the kindergarten that has appropriate conditions and we can afford the expenses.


Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord” John 20,18


We wish you a Blessed Easter, in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!

The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!



January – February – March 2018


        “Then you will call and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and He will say: Here am I! If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk, and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”                                                                                                                                      2Cor 5,14-17


Reviews, thanksgiving

♦ The participants of the Philip course organized in Targu Mures gave testimonies of the things they experienced on this retreat: P. A.: I have come here wearing many masks, because I wanted to comply and to satisfy. This course was good and helped me take off this old garment, and now I can be in unity within me. F. B.: I became conscious of the importance of using the gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to give on to others what I have inside, and I should not act and do good things to people as if I needed to prove something to God, because I don’t have to prove anything to Him, and I can’t do anything for Him to love me more. L. N.: I understood that God loves me as I am, with my sins and everything,and that He redeemed me. I accepted the Holy spirit and I want Him to stay here inside, because thus I feel myself totally happy. K. J.: On this Philip course I got strengthened in many things, mostly in accepting that it is no coincidence that I am alive and I exist on this planet. I usually read a lot and listen to a lot of things, but I need to drink from clear springs. N. E.: Here I became conscious about many things. Just last night I already managed to react with kindness in a situation where it would have been easier to raise my voice. I remained calm instead, and I think it is the Holy Spirit working in me.

♦ We had a Philip Course in Dealu too, on which we experienced the grace of God, and the Holy Spirit brought freshness in the lives of the participants. N. J.: I found out that I am a wonderful creation of God, and He loves me as I am, and from my perspective, I am the best for Him. M. T.: Many times I found myself taking back the stearing wheel, then giving it again, but grabbing it again even unconsciously. Making the decision to give my life to Jesus was a great help in this. S. M.: On this course I experienced  the love of God in a deeper way, I felt peace filling me on the very first night when I got home; and it is so wonderful to be in relationship with Him on a daily basis. H. A.: During the calling of the Holy Spirit I felt something as if a big lock had fallen from my heart, and I was filled with a good feeling.

♦ This year’s last Philip Course was in Corund, where God’s love has been poured out in the hearts of those who were ready to experience Him. Here are some testimonies: B. E.: I got to realize that God loves me as I am, with all those faults for which I’ve been flogging myself. But Jesus has already saved me. He loves me so much that He died for me, for my weaknesses and meanness. P. B.: One thing that especially burned into my heart, that conversion doesn’t happen just once in a lifetime and then everything goes well and it’s high-life, but if it’s needed every day or in every hour and minute, I have to turn back to God again and again. F. Zs.: The sentence that touched me was: I love you the way you are! And this made me not to care about what kind of attributes others put on me, because I know that someone is helping me, and that someone is God, and the person I can fully trust in and rely on is Him. M. R.: I feel that the community was the last link in the chain that I needed. Many times I asked God to send people to me to sole my problems, and He did, but my eyes weren’t opened largely enough to see. L. B.: This weekend could make up for all that was missing due to my not frequenting community regularly. M. E.: We should not forget to be thankful to God every day, we should not wait for an illness to come and only than to connect to Him, as I did, but as long as we are healthy.

♦ At the Pinocchio Kindergarten we ended a really blessed and beautiful year with 16 children, and we hope for other 2 children to come starting from January. We are especially thankful to God for His providence and for our financial supporters from our country and abroad. Without their help we could not exist. Glory to God!

Plans, courses

♦ From January we will start a leadership training for youth, that we named Be strong! Its purpose is to train young coworkers (aged between 18 and 27 years), that are able to build the Kingdom of God in our communities as leaders of the next generation. The training consists in 9 meetings and a one-week long leaders’ conference, and we ask you to pray for and financially support this initiative.

“You then, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus!” (2Tim 2,1)

Since the participants are mostly students, who can’t afford to pay for their participation, we will need  around 2000 Ron (450 euro)/meeting to cover all the expenses. For this reason we are searching for 20 people who support this training with 100 Ron (22 euro)/meeting, or 40 people supporting us with 50 ron ( 11 euro). Please, measure your possibilities, and if you want to partner with us in forming the next generation, send your feedback, and we will discuss the details: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♦ We will give Philip course on the dates mentioned below:

  • 19-21 January in Miercurea Ciuc. Registration: Jozsef Danel, tel: 0742-679082 or e-mail:
  • 2-4. March in Singeorgiu de Mures. Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:
  • 20-22. April in Gheorgheni. Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

This course helps the participants to have a deep and intimate encounter with the risen Christ, by getting to know and accepting the truths of God.

I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Gal 2,20)

♦ There will be Inner Healing course in Miercurea Ciuc between 8th and 11th of February, giving opportunity to experience by the grace of Jesus’ presence the healing of our inner wounds by identifying the traumas of our past.

Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”            Luke 5,31-32

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

In order to have common basis, it is necessary to take part on a Philip course previously.

Prayer Intentions:

Be strong! - leadership training for youth:
- Father, give wholehearted participants and a team that serves in unity and anointment;
- help us find the necessary supporters trough whom we will be able to cover the expenses;

Philip course:
- that the love and message of God to find open hearts
- that the participants make a firm decision for Jesus by the strengthening grace of the Holy Spirit.

Inner Healing Course:
- may the participants identify their wounds and anger and give them to Jesus so as to promote their own healing through reconciliation.
- the brethren serving in inner healing may be lead by the Holy Spirit.


We wish you a Happy Christmas and a New Year full of blessings!

With brotherly love in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!

The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!


October - November - December, 2017


        "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality."      Romans 12, 9-13

Reviews, Thanksgiving

♥  The Discernment course  and all the methods of discernment, which the participants got to know in these days, became important and useful in their lives. Here are some ideas and thoughts that they shared, after the truth of God helped them to see more clearly their lives and their circumstances, and their inner fights: K. I.: ”I have nothing which I haven`t received”- this sentence will keep me in humility every day in front of God. M. H.: The methods I have learned here are important, they will help me to make decisions, and not just “play” with the possibilities. T. E.: If I don`t take a decision, I have already taken one, I decided, in which team I am playing. There is no grey area, if I am lukewarm, then I`m already in the team of the Devil. Sz. Sz.: In every moment we have to make a decision, and we can find our rest only in the Lord. The battle is continuous. S. E.: If one voice is louder than the other in my mind, it doesn`t necessarily mean that it is the truth. It is very good to know, that the Holy Spirit always shows us a way out, and He is not accusing us.

♥ At the course God’s Answers to the Great Challenges of Life run in Harghita Bai, was a great joy to see that our brothers and sisters are willing to face the challenges of our daily life and to go ahead in the strength of the Lord. Here are some testimonies: T. R.: I recognized myself in the theme about the depressive moods, because I can also rush myself into this state of mind. But there is medication to this, like there is for the cold too: the word of God, and the personal relationship with the Lord. I have decided, that I want to strengthen my relationship with Him, I want to spend more time with Him. P. M.: The Lord really wanted to say to me, and help me to understand, that if I walk with Him, than he can help me and save me from a lot of stress and sleepless nights. B. Á.: It touched my heart the fact, that the Lord allows us to experience depths and to commit mistakes, but He always shows us a way out. From now on, I want to recognize his voice, and to find my peace in Him, because if He is with me, than I have nothing to fear of. S. E.: I really wanted to avoid all the problems in my life and I acted like there was nothing wrong. It was working for a while, acting from my own power, but the waves were bigger than me. Here the storm has calmed down, and I realized, that there is a solution for everything.

♥  We had Inner Healing Course in Odorheiu Secuiesc, where the participants shared a few experiences: R. E.: I have learned and experienced many things in these days, like how can I be free from my sins, pains and wounds, which I collected in my life. B. Á.: I realized, that I`ve never come to God with my problems, I tried to solve them by myself, or to find an external help, which comforts me. For example, I said many times to my Mother, that I forgive her, but it never was from my heart, I could do it only with the help of the Lord. K. M.: The theme about the perfectionism touched my heart, because, I lived in the lie, that I am what I do, and I am precious and likeable only if I have achievments. In these day I realized again that I am a beloved child of God, even if I achieve something or not. The Lord didn`t invited me to a masquerade, I don`t have to wear mask.

♥ In this school year there are 15 children in our Pinocchio Christian-Creative Kindergarten, and we are grateful for them. Please pray with us for at least another 3-4 children, and for sponsors, so we would be able to pay the expences.

Plans, Courses...

♥  On the 14th of October we will have the annual meeting of the Transylvanian Catholic Charismatic Renewal (EKKM) in the Rákoczy Center, Odorheiu Secuiesc. The main speaker will be Michelle Moran, member of the Pontifical Counsil of Laity. The program will start at 9 am, and will end with a Holy Mass, starting at 18 pm. We will have worship, teaching from Michelle Moran, testimonies, program for the youth, adoration, and Holy Mass. We invite you to come, and to bring your friends, and others too. Detailed program on:  www. or on Facebook: f/ EKKM

Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound! They shall walk, O Lord, in the light of Thy countenance!” Psalm 89, 15

♥ We will have Philip course on the weekends below:

  • November 3-5 in Targu Mures
  • December 1-3 in Dealu
  • December 8-10 in Corund

This course is an opportunity to experience to love of God, to meet with the reality of redemption, and to let the Holy Spirit renew our lives, and give power to our Christianity.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. “Jn 3,16

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:


Prayer intentions

EKKM meeting:

- let us celebrate in unity and gratitude the 50th anniversary of Catholic Carismatic Renewal

- may the Holy Spirit overflow in our lives, our communities, prayer groups and in the lives of brothers and sisters in full time ministry

- for wisdom and efficiency in organizing this event, and for the covering of the expenses of the meeting.

Philip course

- for the participants, may they have open hearts to hear and to accept the Good News of the Lord

- experiencing of the unconditional love of the Father may help us to walk and to live in the new life which Jesus has   acquired for us.

- may the Holy Spirit strengthen and lead the brothers and sisters who will be serving

Pinocchio Kindergarten:

- the overflowing grace of the Father give wisdom for the further work and existence of the kindergarten


The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!


July – August – September 2017


For the love of Christ compels us, since we have reached this conclusion: if one died for all, then all died. And He died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the one who died for them and was raised. From now on, then, we do not know anyone from a worldly perspective. Even if we have known Christ from a worldly perspective, yet now we no longer know him in this way. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!”                     2Cor 5,14-17


Reviews, thanksgiving

♥ We organized Philip course in Odorheiu Secuiesc, where the Holy Spirit is constantly and gradually preparing the people’s hearts, so that in a personal encounter with God they could accept the new life that they can have in Jesus Christ. N. A.: God loves me as I am, a small sinner or a big sinner because Jesus redeamed me. I understood that I have to be part of a christian community, because it holds me up. B. Zs.: I found out that I have to put down these questionmarks to the feet of Jesus, I have to commit them to Him, and only thus will I be able to walk along with Him. Jesus wants me wholely, not lukewarm, not just partially. This means total devotion. D. J.: I imagined how hard it must have been for God to see His Son being crucified. But God said to me, that it was so much worth that He could do it a hundred times more for me and you. T. Sz.: On this Philip course I understood that my healing has only just begun. God lead me here to tune me up, to give me strength to be able to hold on and not to fall back into the abyss, where I’ve been for so long, but rather to take into account His love instead. V. R.: I came here with a great chaos in my life, and I felt that if this doesn’t help, then nothing would. I feel that things started to clarify. It touched me that God is not biased. Sz. T.: I feel that God touched me more times at a row. I didn’t know the Holy Spirit, but now I found out what it is all about.

♥ At the course God’s Answers to the Great Challenges of Life run in Arad, we helped the participants to look at the truths of God and face and defeat the negative feelings that sneak into their lives and have destructive effects on their mood and relationships. B. M.: Until now I thought that when I am in a bad mood, it means I am depressed already, but in fact I am still far from being ill of depression. And this gives me peace in itself. It is normal to be bad-tempered from time to time because of certain things. There is a way out, so I will not worry. B. Zs.: I decided to make some changes on my schedule and the priorities in my life, because I tend to try to solve millions of things on a single day. Inner healing and spiritual harmony are very important for me, because in lack of these nothing else will work neither. K. F.: I realised that if I collapse, there will be only me to blame because of the excess of jobs undertaken. I will have to change this, will have to learn to set up limits and to say NO. J. E.: This course lead me to the decision that I will start searching for niceties every day. I don’t know yet how much I will find, because I haven’t looked at thing from this perspective until now, but I will do my best to find as much as I can.

♥ We ended this school year with 20 children at the Pinocchio Kindergarten. We thank you all who supported us in prayers and financially, and we are especially grateful to our faithful Father for his providence. Since there are 8 children going to school from September, we ask you to continue praying for new little children to come, because that would be an ease to us in covering the expenses of the kindergarten.

Plans, courses

♥ We will run Discernment Course on 19-23rd of July in Baile Harghita. On the basis of this course stands the word of God, the Bible and the writings of Ignatius of Loyola about the discernment of the spirits. Examining these you can learn to discern your inner intentions, inspirations, motivations and thoughts, to know what is from God as what is from the enemy. We especially recommend this course for those who would like to live their lives more fully according to God’s will.

“He made known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure that he purposed in Christ!” (Eph 1,9)

The condition of participation is the Philip course and application in time.
Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ Between the 3rd and 6th of August there will be the course God`s Answers to the Great Challenges of Life in Baile Harghita. We recommend this course to those living the renewed life in Christ but still face situations that turn their inner peace upside down, and want to find out God`s answers to the so much mentioned stress, despondency or the most standout spiritual disease of our days: depression or depressive mood.

“I call on you in the day of my distress for you will answer me.” (Psalm 86,7)

The condition of participation is the Philip course and application in time.
Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ There will be Inner Healing course in Odorheiu Secuiesc between 31st of August and 3rd of September. The course bring the light of God into the past period of our lives, gives answers to many questions, and brings the healing that is in Jesus to our spiritual wounds. Philip course is necessary for participation.

“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10,10

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ On the 23rd of September, between the hours 17-22, we will organize again the He is the Way - Christian music festival for the youth. The invited worship leader is Pinter Béla and his band from Debrecen, Hungary, which plays youthful worship music that touches the heart. There will be many programs in different tents, healing ministry, pantomime, worship dance, testimonies, worship times and other surprises. We are waiting especially for young people!

Prayer Intentions:

Discernment Course:

- that the participants may experience the leading of God  and the wisdom that comes from the Holy Spirit, which helps them in the discerning of the spirits and in making good decisions;

- the protection of  the blood of Jesus  may be on the participants and organizers, so that they may fend off the attacks of the enemy with the shield of faith

God`s answers to the Great Challenges of Life:

- that the hearts of the participants may be open to hear God`s voice and be ready to do or let fulfill what He sais

- the touch of Jesus to bring healing to the participants.

Christian festival:

- for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the brothers who serve, and on the participants.


With brotherly love in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!

The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.


April - May - June 2017

“We know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus, and will bring us with you into his presence. Yes, everything is for your sake, so that grace, as it extends to more and more people, may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God. So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day.”  2 Cor 4,14-16


Reviews, thanksgiving

♥ At the course God’s Answers to the Great Challenges of Life the participants were able to make decisions on some territories of their lives after choosing the solutions offered by God. The things they experienced and felt can help us too in thinking over our lives and establishing it on a new fundament. M. L.: I realized that self-pity is not a solution to my problems. I have decided that I won’t solve the problems of other people, and I will try to deal with only those which I am able to solve. The rest I will allocate to my coworkers and people around me. B. Cs.: I understood that the Lord is with me wherever I go. Fear deprives me of many good things, so I decided to go against it with the words of God. Sz. E.: It was good to hear about how we can deal with challenging things so that we don’t fall into deep depression. K. J.: I will set a new schedule, because I have so little time for my family, but I always find time for my work. M. Gy.: I made a promise to myself that I won’t listen to the negative thoughts.

♥ At the Inner Healing course given in Cluj-Napoca many of the young participants bore witness to openness and honesty towards God, so that He could heal their inner wounds. A. A.: Hearing about the false convictions I recognized myself in many cases. I got used to exploding towards the surrounding people, and I already felt that it had bad consequences, especially when I crossed people who could feed my anger by agreeing with me, thus we both began hating the other one, and this was even worse. F. E.: The most important in this few days was that although I used to think that I was not able to address God with my own words, and I communicated with God only trough prayers, I realized that I am able to say prayers of my own, using my own words, and it is much deeper. M. A.: I didn’t take forgiving seriously enough, because nobody told me until now that it is essential in order for healing to begin or take place in me. S. R.: regarding forgiving, it was a little bit strange for me at the beginning, because it came for me to say “I would like to forgive”. But it was important to say that I do forgive and not just “would like to”.

♥ For those who participated on the Blessing in the Family course, there was given an opportunity to understand the importance of the blessing and to put it into practice in their daily lives. We share a few thoughts of the participants: P. A.: I understood that I cannot be indifferent in what I say. The blessing of the husband/father is very important. One blessing from the husband is stronger than ten blessings from others. The blessing of the husband brings security and protection. I. Sz.: I understood what it really means to be a blessing for people and to speak out blessing. I understood the meaning of celebrations and those things that make them really blessed. A. I.: I understood that even if I am right I can do the first step in asking for forgiveness and to reconcile. The enormous number of  broken families are the consequence of the lack of blessing. I would like to implement the culture of blessing in our family, to bless each other: my wife will bless me and I will bless her. K. Sz.: Blessing has a great power. Words can be either blessing or curse in our life. Each word has power. Sz. K.: It is very important to change my thoughts and not let that anger and wrath would rule, but even in hardships I can discover what is good and positive. A. T.: I have to help my dear husband to become the man whom God created. If it is necessary I even make some steps back in different areas of my life, so that he can have more space.

Plans, courses

♥ We will give the course named God's Answers to the Great Challenges of Life between 19-21 May in Arad and between 3-6 of August in Baile Harghita. God has his answers even to those problems that we often see invincible. If you are among those who have to fight with stress, desperation, don’t know how to handle the failures and depression, then this course gives you the possibility to find the answers and the way out.

“Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart.            Jer 15,16

The condition of participation is the Philip course and application in time.
Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ There will be Discernment Course on 19-23rd of July in Baile Harghita. Taking the word of God and analyzing the rules of discernment of Saint Ignatius you can learn to discern the inspirations, motivations and thoughts, and thus to find out what comes from God and what comes from the enemy. With this help in your hands you will be able to make decisions that can keep you in the will of God.

“…so that you may discern what is the will of God — what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Rom 12,2

Participation is possible for those who have already been to Philip Course.

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:


Prayer Intentions:

God’s Answers to the Great Challenges of Life:

-the words of God and the truths proclaimed may penetrate the hearts of the participants, so that all the lies and misleading thought the enemy is trying to use against them may lose their power;

Discernment Course:

-The Holy Spirit may lead the participants with his wisdom so that they may recognize what the will of God is, and they may follow it throughout their lives with every decision they make;

-The brethren that serve may also experience the leading and protection of the Lord

Discipleship School

-The participants may receive the words of Jesus with enthusiasm, zeal and hunger also on the last meeting of the school, and let the Holy Spirit to form their hearts;

-They would be able to effectively integrate into their lives all that they’ve learned during the Discipleship School, and serve in the world as faithful disciples.


Jesus said: “I am ascending to my Father and your Father,

to my God and your God.” (John 20,17)


On the occasion of Easter I wish you live in the inner joy and freedom of the resurrection, in the name of all co-workers and, Béci!

The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!


January - February - March 2017


          This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?  Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

1 John 3:16-18


Reviews, thanksgiving

♥ The participants of the Philip Course in Targu Mures told about what they had experienced with a renewed spirit and hearts filled with joy. V. Sz.: It captured me when I realized that we not only talked about the love of Jesus. It hit my heart, that God really gave His Son for us, thus He saved us from all our sins that we committed or will commit. This was one of my deepest experiences. Sz. A.: I already knew that God had loved us, sin separates us from Him, we should repent and turn to Him, and accept His Holy Spirit, and also that we need a community for the fire inside us not to burn out, but it was a real novelty to me to find myself in the center of all of it: I am loved by God, my sins separate me from Him, it’s me He had redeemed, I have to believe and repent. This was very important for me to know. K. Zs.: I understood this morning how important Jesus is, because through Jesus we can know the Father, He is the gate. T. E.: It became clear to me that all bad things have their roots in sin, every bad thing happening in the world can be lead back to sin. It is important for me to know that if I commit a sin it will have its effect, in spite of the fact that God still loves me the same. K. O.: Yesterday it was a strong experience to find that although I thought I was close to God, I pray to Him, thanking Him the good things I experience in my life, I had to realize, that I am so parallel with Him, I don’t have a real relationship with Him, and it’s me who has to do steps and open myself to God. I understood that my self-accusation is holding me back from being who I really should be.

♥ We had our first Philip course in Corund, and God made great things in the hearts of the people. We offer a few of their testimonies: S. E: Here at this Philip course I understood that the Holy Spirit is working in me. I realized that the times when I had the opportunity to experience how much God loves me were the low points of my life; He has given me so many miracles and He will surely give me more of them. Sz. A.: I found that the reason why there is sluggishness in my life is because I was not open for everyday repentance. When I got distanced from God, I waited for the community meeting where I hoped that God would put me back into my place. Well I did realize it here how great the strength of the community is. S. A.: Holy Spirit was a new discovery for me. I have heard about Him, but I didn’t know what to “do” with Him. I hope from now on I can pray to Him, and ask His help. In this course I realized that when I neglected the prayer, God was loving me the same way, but I wasn’t open for His love. B. E.: I’m going home with a new heart. Things are clearer to me now. I carried my sins for a long time, but here I realized that I am able to put them down, because Jesus had already redeemed me.

♥ We experienced a break-through of God’s providence at the Pinocchio Christian Creative Kindergarten, mostly in this new school-year, because we already have 22 children enrolled, and it was the first time that we got financial support from the state. This helped us pay our debts and some other expenses. So glory be onto God, and all our thanks for those who held on with us throughout the difficult period.

♥ All the 26 participants of the School of Jesus’ Disciples had a growth in the different gifts of the Spirit during the meeting in November, learning to hear and act on the word of God, to pray with power and might for the sick and for the people with spiritual or phisical problems.

Plans, courses...

♥ We will have the course God’s Answers to the Great Challenges of Life between the 20-22nd of January in Oradea. The course aims to get acknowledged with and to apply the answers of God to those areas of our lives in which we experience stress, fear, failure, despondency or even depression, and we feel that we can’t handle these situations correctly. During the course we unveil the methods that spring out from the truths of God, and if we accept them, they will transform our lives.

„You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8,32

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ We will keep Inner healing course in Cluj-Napoca between the 9-12th of February. We recommend it to those who have already participated on Philip Course and would like to be healed from their spiritual wounds, and to learn to react the right way on the hurts coming from other people and on different painful situations. The power of Jesus’ redemption and healing presence brings genuine inner peace, which we all are invited to.

„No herb, no poultice cured them, but your all-healing word, Lord.” Book of Wisdom 16,12

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ A course called Blessing in the Family will be held between the 3-5th of march in Sangeorgiu de Mures. Speakers: Gavin and Edith Farley from Austria. The goal of this course is to build up the culture of blessing in our families, communities and church. „As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24,15

Information and registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ The next Philip Course will be on the 7-9 of April in Odorheiu Secuiesc. The Philip course helps in encountering God’s love and the reality of salvation in a personal way, and to be born again by the Holy Spirit and to be christians full of life.

Jesus says: „I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Jn10,10

Registration: Zsolt Zsombori, 0740-037607,


Prayer Intentions:

God’s Answers to the Great Challenges of Life

  • May the truths of God penetrate the lives of the participants, and the Holy Spirit may give them vision to recognize and to defeat the actual barriers and influences.

Inner Healing course:

  • All the pain, sourness, wounds for which Jesus has already earned healing may come to surface in the lives of the participants through the Holy Spirit.

Philip course:

            - the participants may encounter the love of God in an undisputable way, and accept the truths of God in their hearts.

School of Jesus’ Disciples:

            - the 26 participants of the Discipleship School may partake in the training with an obedient and longing heart, and to carry out their duties with perseverance in the intermediate periods.


May Jesus bring peace and love into your families during the Christmas Celebrations, and our Loving Father bless you in the new year with all his blessings and abundance!


With brotherly love in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!


The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!


July – August – September 2016


         “These are the things God has revealed to us by his spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us.”                                     1Chor 2,10-12


Reviews, thanksgiving

♥ We organized Philip course in Tinoasa, where the participants were very open to God, yearning for his presence and word, and for the renewing grace of the Holy Spirit. We heard their testimonies as it follows: F.I.: I used to be a church-attending catholic, but some years ago a sin had estranged me from God, and for 6 years I’ve been barely going to church. But on a spiritual retreat I could confess my sin, and since then my life has radically changed, I got back to God, and I’m walking on His path. This week-end I gained a deeper understanding on the love of God, I know for sure that God loves me also as I am. M.J.: The thing that will remain in my mind is that the Son always shines. Knowing this can be a great help in one’s life, because the love of God is just the same. Sz.E.: It was so good to find out that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Holy Trinity, whom I can rely on, I can ask from, I can trust in; so it was worth coming here. L.V.: My heart and my soul is full of joy and love. I could say, every theme gave me something new, something went deeper in me; I feel a great peace, love and calmness so deep as it has never been. What really captured me was that Jesus died for me. L.T.: It’s only now that I realized that I got so much from God, I just didn’t recognize that it was from Him. For if He wouldn’t exist, I wouldn’t be here either. B.M.: I became aware of the gravity of sin, how it can separate us from God, or more specifically we tear ourselves out from God’s love by our sins, and we can distance ourselves so far from Him. The good thing is that Jesus has already taken my sins to the cross, he redeemed me and paid for my debts and sins.

♥ At the course God’s Answers to the Great Challenges of Life run in Gheorgheni, the participants had the opportunity to recognize the challenges of their lives, in the midst of which He calls them to hold on to His words and promises, stay in inner peace and grow strong by his mighty power. Below you can read some of the participants’ testimonies: Sz.L: Problems accompanied me throughout my whole life, I have been swimming hard in all those things which this course was about. But I will try to be happier, more relaxed and not to complain. N.E.: There’s a thing I became aware of during this course: I thought I’ve already dealt with self-pity, but I didn’t. So in every situation when I feel this state of mind pulls me down, I have to bring it to God, and give it to Him. What strengthens me and lifts me up, is worship. It helps me a lot. G.M.: I felt lately as if I was lost, I was left alone, and if I planned something it didn’t came out as I expected, and because of it I feel indisposed. The first teaching was really addressed to me to realize that I was not alone. The Lord is always there with me, I just have to notice it. I have to accept failures, but at the same time I have to move on, and take the next step empowered by the presence of God. Gy.A.: I felt the presence of God throughout the course. I am glad that I could be here, because I feel it helped me a lot. I knew I was not able to solve my problem by myself, and only God can help me. I should not walk in front of Jesus but rather to follow Him.

♥ This year we experienced the abundant grace of God in the Pinocchio Kindergarten both materially and regarding the number of children. Glory to You, Jesus!

For more reasons we will have to look for another building until the end of July, where the Kindergarten and the office of the Foundation can function. We ask you to pray for us so that we can find the right building for a reasonable price where we will be able to continue our activities!

♥ We start again the Discipleship Training School, an efficient training consisting of 6 meetings throughout a year. The first meeting will be on 4-7th of August in Baile Harghita. To our great joy there are already 30 persons signed up, from 10 communities.


Plans, courses

♥ We will run Discernment Course on 20-24th of July in Baile Harghita. This course helps us to discern our inner intentions and arguments by the Principles of Ignatius of Loyola. We especially recommend this course for those who would like to build their lives on God’s truths, learn how to live in freedom and make decisions in God’s will. The course is a tool for our Christian life to grow and to move towards fulfillment.

Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
    How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! Rom 11,33

 The condition of participation is the Philip course and application in time.
Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ There will be Inner Healing course in Odorheiu Secuiesc between 25-28th of August. The course helps us to review the critical moments of our lives imprinted in our memories, in which we suffered traumas and hurts from different persons, but also offers the possibility to experiment the healing of spiritual wounds, since Jesus had set us free in order to have a fulfilled life..

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”   Rom 12,18

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ On the 24th of September we will organize the He is the Way - Christian music festival for the youth. The invited worship band is UNLESS from Debrecen, Hungary, which plays youthful worship music that touches the heart. There will be many programs in different tents, healing ministry, pantomime, worship dance, testimonies, worship times and other surprises. We are waiting especially for young people.

Prayer Intentions:

Discernment Course:

- that the Holy Spirit to bring light in the life of the participants in reviewing their thoughts, deeds and motivations, in discerning the feelings and impulses, and then to be able to put into practice all what they will have learned;

-the organizers may be more and more receptive to the voice of the Good Spirit in all the questions that require the right decisions whether it is about the Kingdom of God or their own lives.

Inner Healing course:

- that the Holy Spirit to lead the participants and the organizing team in the process of inner healing, so that they can experience freedom which they are called to

- the touch of Jesus to bring healing to the participants.

The building for the Kindergarten and the foundation’s office:

- wisdom and clear leading in the search for a new building

Christian festival:

- open hearts for the youth participating in the festival

- for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the brothers who serve, and on the whole program.


With brotherly love in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!

The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!


April – May – June 2016


Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.  In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith – of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire – may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”  1Pt 1,3-9


Reviews, thanksgiving

♥ The Philip Course in Gheorgheni is a witness to God’s work through the Holy Spirit that He does wherever He finds open hearts. In all of those who accept His love and give their lives to Him, hope will be born and longing for a joyful life together with the Lord. V.E.: I asked the Holy Spirit to give me more patience, more love and power. And last night when I got home I could respond with a great inner peace to the things that in other cases would make us quarrel. And I believe that I got other spiritual gifts too. B.H.: One thought captured my attention: I might be clean or muddy, trampled and crumpled, I still have the same worth. And I realized I have to convert every time I leave the right path. B.R.: This weekend helped me clarify a few things. It’s only now that I was really shocked by the fact that Jesus had died for me indeed. And I became aware of the truth that someone really loves me the way I am. T.A.: That superficial knowledge I had, became an inner certitude. Though I knew the answers to most of the questions I met, I haven’t really understood them inside. I knew that God loves me in spite of my sins and He accepts me, but it had a deep meaning for me to also experience it through one of the exercises.

♥ The testimonies of the participants of the Inner Healing course held in Miercurea Ciuc underline the healing power of God: T.I.: I have always suspected that the problem I came here with, was only the top of the iceberg. But as I spoke out the things from inside of me that were the huge mountain underneath and I finally got to the very last thing that brought me here, I realized that it was not a problem to me anymore. T.Cs.: I truly realized that there is nothing better to do, than to forgive, so I decided to do it no matter how hard or painful it would be, but it is the best for me if I can sincerely forgive to everybody from the depths of my heart. B.I.: I became aware of how merciful God is, and He’s not punishing us. He can forgive all our sins and He can cut every tie, no matter how great our hurts would be, even those received in the womb of our mother. I experienced this and I feel I became another person in a relatively short time. I had great difficulties with loving others. I realized that I haven’t received love throughout my life; this is why I could not give it on. I loved my kids very much; I felt I could do everything for them, but I was not able to hug them. Now I feel I could hug everybody!

♥ We are grateful to God because starting from this year two new children have come to the Pinocchio Christian Creative Kindergarten, so we have 17 children now. Due to this and thanks to our supporters we managed to pay the rent for the house, accumulated throughout the last months. The new challenge, though, is that the owners of the house raised the rent with 700 lei (150 Euros), so now we’ll have to pay 4300 lei (950 Euros), and this sets us on a search for a new building that we can afford.


Plans, courses

♥ We will have Philip Course between the 8th and 10th of April in Tinoasa (next to Targu Secuiesc), and between the 20th-22nd of May in Praid.

God wants to pour out His goodness and love in every soul, that we may experience His nearness, His providence and the power of His presence in our lives. The course is for those who long for a personal meeting with God, and are ready to accept the life offered through Jesus Christ.

“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” Col 1,19-20

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ We will keep the course: God's Answers to the Great Challenges of Life on 3rd-5th of June in Gheorgheni. We all face situations in our lives from time to time, which try our strength, our ruggedness, and really push our limits. God wants to offer His help in these. Let Him teach us through His word and methods how we can be victorious over the challenges.

“God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”                   1 Chor 10,13b

The condition of participation is the Philip course and application in time.
Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ We announce you in time that there will be Discernment Course on 20-24th of July in Baile Harghita. On this course we can get familiarized with methods that help us recognize and see clearer the will of God and His purpose with our lives. It is important to stand on the solid ground of faith, therefore applying for this course is only possible for those who have already been to Philip Course.

It is proper to God and to His Angels in their movements to give true spiritual gladness and joy, taking away all sadness and disturbance which the enemy brings on.(from the rules of discernment of spirits by St Ignatius of Loyola)

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

Prayer Intentions:

Philip Course

- The participants to be present with open hearts, so that they accept the truths of God about life, and they experience the unconditional love of God and the renewing and sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit;

God’s Answers to the Great Challenges of Life:

- the participants to recognize in the words of God the answer and solution to the challenges they meet, to find inner peace in these; the storms in their lives to be calmed down;

Discernment Course:

-The Holy Spirit to bring light in the participants when they reconsider their thoughts, deeds and motivations, when they discern their feelings and impulses, and to be able to put in practice all they will have learned during the course

God raised him from the dead,

freeing him from the agony of death,

because it was impossible for death

to keep its hold on him. (Acts 2,24)


With brotherly love in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!

The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!


January – February – March 2016

          “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day. It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me. No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father. Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life.                                                                                                                           John 6,44-47

Reviews, thanksgiving

♥ We are very grateful that God continues to reveal His love in people's heart. We gladly share what the participants of the Filip Course held in Miercurea Ciuc experienced: T.K. : My trust in God grew a lot, and I understood that he really accepted me as I am. It renewed my strength knowing that I find forgiveness in God. The Holy Spirit led me to this course and I He filled me up with His power. Sz.É.: At this course I understood the point of the community, and there are certain things you can not do alone. I need community. T.A.: I realized that if I come before God with my wishes and ask a little thing, he responds with something huge. I understood that he loves me and accepts me unconditionally. K.R.: When I gave my life to Jesus, God told me he was glad I did this, and has prepared wonderful things for me. I was surprised by this, because until now it was inconceivable to me that God may have something to say to me.

♥ At the Inner Healing course held at Targu Mures we have been witnessing how God  unties His children from chains and spiritual ties, and gives them back the dignity which He created them for. The presence of the Lord brought healing and deliverance. B.J.: It was news to me when they talked about occultism. It was formulated in my mind, how many ties or small hurts link me to the past, and because of them I did not feel free. But now I'm free. Sz.E.: I realized that God looks at us differently than us. How different it would be if in the morning after I wake up and look into the mirror, I would see myself through God's eyes. My day would start in a totally other way! B.H.: A thought really touched me from the teachings: if we get into a tough situation and we suffer, we whip ourselves, then we should not hide in a burrow or cave where we can suffer as we like, but we should ask God's help, put our heads out of the cave, because God can not crawl inside to help us to mourn and suffer more. If we put our head out, the helping hand and grace of God will be waiting for us which we can cling on. Sz.E.: I used to pray because I thought God needs it, but in fact I need it. What I have learned and I am still in the learning process, and the Holy Spirit will be helping me in this also, is that the people that are the hardest to love have the most need to be loved. Forgiveness was very hard for me, but I did it for my own inner healing. Sz.L.: This course hit me with tremendous power and effect. I thought my filters work well, and in this conviction I did some practice and many other nonsense with immense powers and with joy. Here it was made clear that all those things that I've read and I've learned from YouTube are not right at all. So now those filters are cleaned. As a child I was often beaten and punished. Then when I went to apologize, they didn’t let me to, but they sent me back to sit on my knee. But now I got up and started to apologize. Now at my 46 years I can say that I’m more or less ready.

♥ From our heart we say thanks to you all who have supported our ministry with prayers and have helped us financially, because without you we could not exist. God bless you!

♥ In this new coming year we ask you again to offer the 2% of your income tax for 2015 in order to be able to accomplish the different programs and activities of the Regnum Christi Foundation, thus you can help our mission without any financial effort on your part. May God bless you!!!
Those who wish to support us, please let us know your intention and the we’ll do the rest.


Plans, courses...

♥ On the 29-31st of January we will have Philip Course in Gheorgheni and on 4-6th of March in Odorheiu Secuiesc.
The course gives the opportunity to experience the presence of God in a personal meeting in a way that renews our faith, and our religious life will transform into a real and sincere relationship with the Lord. Please notify in time those around you who would like to participate.

"God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord". 1Chor 1,9

Applications: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ There will be Inner Healing Course (held in Hungarian) on 18-21st of February in Miercurea Ciuc. By His kindness and love, God wants our lives not to be affected by those events and experiences of the past that have caused injuries or blockades in our spirit. God wants to broaden our boundaries by liberation and healing offered by him. Philip Course is required for participation.

"Be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God."     Phil 1,10b-11

Applications: József Dánél: email: or tel. 0742-679082.

Prayer Intentions:

Philip course:
            - the presence and love of God to touch the hearts of the participants, so that they would be willing to accept the salvation, and Jesus Christ as their only Lord.
            - the Holy Spirit to strengthen existing communities in these localities and to guide them in all things related to organization

Inner Healing course:
            - the light and wisdom of the Holy Spirit to help participants to recognize those areas of life where they need the liberating and healing power of Jesus
            - God's truths to be victorious over all lies that the participants might still keep in their hearts


“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8,12

May there be peace and love in your families at Christmas, and our loving Father bless you with all His earthly and heavenly blessings in the New Year!



With brotherly love in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!


The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!


October - November - December, 2015


            If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says,“Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Romans 10:9-13


Reviews, thanksgiving

♥ The Course of Discernment organized in July meant a great help to participants to check their motivations and methods in making decisions. Sz. K.: I understood that I must not fear death, because after that step begins the new life, the true one, wich earthly life is actually training for. It went through my mind that all my questions would lose their meaning, so these earthly things that make us anxious and we believe that all depend on them, they will be useless there. Some things in life that arise, can truly form us, and looking at them in the knowledge of the Word can help us live a fulfilled life. It is to my advantage to know God and to know what awaits me. I felt joy, not sadness. I take with me the thought "Do not worry", because he takes care of everything we need right when we need it. No sooner nor later, but just when it has it`s time. L. P.:There were many things I already knew, but remained somewhere settled, and now have come to the surface more intense, clearer and more pronounced. I understood that in the battIe I can not behave like a spectator, this option does not exist. I have to be vigilant even when I would prefer to relax a little. I should not forget what motivates me in my actions, and in all circumstances Jesus must be the first one I call upon and I must persevere in Him. D. I.: There was a big mess in my head before I came here, I lived in stress. Even when I went to Mass, I sometimes could be attentive, but sometimes not. Here I understood that this is from the evil one, the enemy is causing the chaos and not let me pay attention to my conscience and to think logically. I understood what kind of tactics Satan uses. But I also realized that God has not left me either, he is fighting for me, He encourages me, through brothers and sisters, and through their prayer. It gave me back my hope to be able to walk in God's ways.

♥ With our hearts full of gratitude we provide some details about the Philip course held at Sovata, because God has poured out his love without measure, and by accepting salvation, the participants received new heart and new life in Christ, which will be led by the Holy Spirit to fulfillment. Here you can read some of their short testimonies: P. E.: I had great need of God's love, because now I finally learned to accept myself as I am. I am not perfect, but I realized that it is not the outside that matters, because if I feel perfect inside and I am aware of this, then it shows in the outside, and all will see me as perfect as I feel. I decided I did not want to be away from God because of my sins, do not want to be dirty neither on the outside, nor on the inside. I was thinking of how my soul can look like when I am angry with someone, whwn I gossip, or have evil thoughts in my head, and so on. Yesterday I became free, and I ask God and the Holy Spirit to help me be diligent, because Jesus died on the cross for me, so I have reason to believe that I could be able to persevere. M. S.: I am really thankful that I could participate on this course. All that I experienced here is beyond my knowledge. My picture about God became clearer. Now I know that I need to pray to God not only when I'm in trouble, or once a year, because without a close relationship nothing will work. It touched me deeply how far I can move away from God becouse of my sins: that means I am full of sins that separate me from Him, and it is so hard to come back, because the enemy doesn't let me to, he sets barriers. With the help of the teachings I realized what is the real situation. My relationship with Jesus should go deeper, and I hope I will be able to deeper with Him. I understood that this works only with the help of the Holy Spirit. He is working in my life if I pray to Him and ask for his grace.

♥ We organized Inner Healing Course in Odorheiu Secuiesc, giving an opportunity for the participants to recognize their pain and injuries accumulated in their life and memory, and ask for healing through the power of Jesus' salvation. By reading their experiences we can take courage to take our wounds over and over again to Jesus. F.E.: My past is a painful period of my life. I converted two years ago and there is a part of my life, which I could not close, I was hiding it from everyone and I was very afraid that one day it will come into the light and I have to tell it. I am very thankful to God, because-although the time was short- I feel that I got healed a lot. I could tell things I have never shared with noone in my life, neither with mother nor with my best friend,with nobody. I experienced a deep healing. I feel as a huge burden and a chain would have fallen down of me. The hardest was to forgive myself for all the things I have done against myself. Sz. A.: I have a very deep gratitude in my heart for the Lord, that he called to this course. First, the inner healing process/ the soul-care touched me deeply. I feel that I could completely open my heart, we could go down to the deepest roots and find the trouble in my soul which caused all my problems. Six years ago I was dependent on alcohol, cigarettes, now I'm totally free from these, thanks God. The most difficult was to forgive myself for causing a lot of pain for so much loved people with my behaviour. Forgiveness is a process so I am still sruggling with it. I am thankful that I could be here. L. S.: I was very touched during the counseling, because I could completely open my heart and tell things I have never shared with anyone in my life. I had someone in my life who meant a lot for me. He hurt me deeply and caused a lot of pain in my heart. I said to the Lord that I am not able to forgive this person, because the scar is too deep, the pain and the anger is too strong,it is impossible to forgive. Praise and thanks to God that yesterday I could forgive this person, and it is a big grace that I even prayed for him.

♥ We started a new school-year at the Pinocchio Christian Creative Kindergarten with 15 children. We ask you to pray for 3-4 more kids to come, thus we would be able to pay the expences of the kindergarten. We also ask for your help in paying or at least diminishing the debt of 7000 ron (1600 euro), rent for two months, that has accumulated due to the small number of children, and we need to pay it as soon as possible.


Plans, courses...

♥ There will be Philip course in Miercurea Ciuc on 16-18. October. Your registration should be sent to Danel Jozsi to the email:, or by phone: 0742-679082.

On the 11-13th of December we’ll have a Philip course in Praid too, so encourage those who would want to participate to register in time, if this location is more suitable.

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

Everybody needs to hear the truths of God about life, and need to feel that he is accepted and loved with a love that only the Heavenly Father is able to give.

„To those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.” Juda 1, 1-2

♥ We will keep Inner healing course in Targu Mures on the 5-8th of November. We recommend it to those who would like to grow spiritually, in their relationship with God and people, would like to comprehend more their own and others’ reactions and manifestations, but first and foremost to experience the eliberating and healing power of the salvation of Jesus.

„It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Gal 5,1

Registration deadline: 25th of October. It is necessary to participate on a Philip course first!
Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ We joyously announce that the annual meeting of the Transylvanian Catholic Carismatic Renewal will be held on the 10th of October in Targu Secuiesc. Guest speaker is Zoltán Kunszabó, deacon, the leader of the Hungarian Catholic Charismatic Renewal, who will teach about Holy Spirit and mission. The meeting will start at 9.00 and will last until 18.30. More information at

Prayer Intentions:

Philip course:
            - the participants be open to receive the truths and love of God, the new life that they are called to live and that was gained through the salvation of Jesus to unfold in them;

Inner Healing course:
            - the Holy Spirit lead the participants towards a fulfilled life with the help of inner healing, and work in them the reconciliation
            - for the serving brothers to hear the voice of God and to serve as good instruments in the name of Jesus.

Meeting of the TCCR:
            - the Holy Spirit use brother Zoltán Kunszabó with power and might in his teaching and service.

Pinocchio Kindergarten:
            - for the spiritual growth of the children, and for new kids to come in order to be able to pay the expences.


With brotherly love in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!


The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!



July – August – September, 2015


“Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world — the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life —comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.”             1Jn 2,15-17


Reviews, thanksgiving

♥ With our hearts full of gratitude we provide some details about the Philip course held in Sovata, because God has poured out his love without measure, and by accepting salvation, the participants received new heart and new life in Christ, which will be led by the Holy Spirit to fulfillment. Here you can read some of their short testimonies: B.I.: It was reassuring to know that someone really accepts me, because lately not that I did not experience, but I did not even realize at all the fact that God loves me, it was as if somehow it disappeared from my mind. I would not have given up this possibility to be here on this weekend for no other life situation or holiday. S. P.: I concluded that I should not accuse myself, as it happens many times that I can not forgive myself. But the accusation is from Satan, not from God. I have this desire to grow in service, I don’t want to be powerless, because until now I have been inhibited in this by a few things. P.A.: What captured me the most was that God loves me as I am, I don’t have to conform to anyone, especially not to God. He loves me also when I commit a sin, because He gives me the opportunity to come back onto his heart. B.E.: I never had the courage to admit that I'm a Christian, because I had this thought that people would point at me with their finger if I happen to stumble, and do something wrong. I was afraid of this because I actually did the same with others. Now I understand in the very depths of it that we are all sinners. There is God and there is evil, and we must consciously choose God. D.F.: I wish that God would transform our lives in such a way that we – and I personally could continue my path in my life as others to see that change, feel it, even without me saying a word. I must carry on the flame, this feeling, this warmth and love that I received through you. I understood that the community I need is a Christ-centered community.

♥ The presence of God that could be experienced at the Philip course in Odorheiu Secuiesc encouraged the participants to make the best decision of their lives and to place themselves into the hands of the loving Father through Jesus Christ. M. Cs.: Everything has been wonderful. When it was about sin, I understood that the diplomas don't matter, what really matters is that we can accept one another as we truly are: sinners (with a sinful nature). P. K.: I was struck when someone considered his impure relationship as a sin. I have also lived in impure relationship, but I did not consider it a sin. I thought I needed to have sexual relationship, as it is God who has given it to me, so I have to love and enjoy it. I was hiding my sins, putting them away in a corner so that other people would not see them. They should see how beautiful I am, that I have diplomas, I am able to accomplish things. Now I recognize that I am a sinner, and I have many sins. I can take on my thoughts now, or what I say, what I feel, what I hear. But Jesus died on the cross for me so that I can be here now, I can love Him and others, and especially love myself. M. E.: I always desired to experience the presence of God. Yesterday evening when I gave my life to Jesus I felt warmth and it filled my heart. Cs. T.: I liked the teachings and that after each teaching we had a time of personal experience. Through this I understood better the teachings. I understood that community can strengthen me, so that I can remain in Jesus. B. A.: I can feel it in my bones that the Lord is really alive, and He is with us every minute of our lives, we just have to call Him and let Him in our hearts. I did that yesterday, I let Him in. I think there’s nothing more important than to accept Him, and than be a light in my family and my environment.

♥ To our great delight two new children came to the Pinocchio Christian Creative Kindergarten, so we will close this school year with 17 children. We still ask you though to pray for the kindergarten so that we can have more supporters, or we’re even asking for your help in paying our 7000ron debt, that is the rent for two-months, and it has accumulated due to the small number of children, and we need to pay it as soon as possible.

Plans, courses

♥ We organize Discernment Course on 15-19th of July in Baile Harghita. This course helps us to discern our inner intentions and arguments by the Principles of Ignatius of Loyola. We especially recommend this course for those who would like to build their lives on God’s truths, learn how to live in freedom and make decisions in God’s will.

     Give your servant a discerning heart… to distinguish between right and wrong.  1Kings 3,9

The condition of participation is the Philip course and application in time.

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ We will give our new course: God's Answers to the Great Challenges of Life on 30th July -2nd August in Baile Harghita. If you sometimes feel that you are pushed down by fear and stress, discouraged by your failures and in the end you are depressed, then come and let God’s answers be known and revealed helping you to find solutions and healing.

       Yes, my soul, find rest in God, my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.                   Psalm 62,5-6

The condition of participation is the Philip course and application in time.
Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ There will be Inner Healing course in Odorheiu Secuiesc on the 3rd-6th of September, to which we gladly invite those who have already accepted Jesus into their hearts, still they feel that in the everyday life and their relationships they are not able to stay in the inner peace, that could lead them to the fullness of life. Our negative experiences, hurts and ties can hold us back, so we need the grace of the Holy Spirit to recognize these, and ask Jesus for healing and deliverance.

       “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.”                          1Pt 1,22

Registration: Zsolt Zsombori, tel: 0740-037607, email:

♥ Help your children and the young around you to be able to participate on the summer camps of Cross×direction, where they can have the possibility to experience the love of God and the joy of being in fellowship with others. More information on

Prayer Intentions:

Discernment Course:

- that the Holy Spirit may help the participants accept the gift of discernment, and learn the methods that help putting it in practice;

-the organizers may be more and more receptive to the voice of the Good Spirit in all the questions that require the right decisions whether it is about the Kingdom of God or their own lives.

God’s Answers to the Great Challenges of Life:

- the Holy Spirit may strengthen in the participants the ability to rely on God’s truths, so that in the midst of all the hardships of life they can proclaim: I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength. (Phil 4,13)

Inner Healing course:

- with the help of the Holy Spirit the participants may recognize their hurts, may be ready to accept healing from Jesus, and the organizers may be good coworkers in the work of the Holy Spirit.

With brotherly love in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!

The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!


April – May – June, 2015

        My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. Jn 15,12-15

Reviews, thanksgiving

♥ Our brothers in Brasov felt it was time, that through the ministry of our Foundation they can hear which are God's answers to the great challenges of life. Here you can read some testimonies about the effect that the word of God had on the lives and mentality of the participants. S.G.: In this course I understood that God is the one who fixes the things I failed myself. I am sure that I can fight together with the Lord and I have to invite Him into all my problems. I decided to get rid of my fears. I want to hear God’s voice and meditate more on his Word. J.M.: At this course I understood that whatever my circumstances would be I am not allowed to give up because God is always with me and blesses me. I have decided to give up all my negative thoughts and to replace them with the words of God. I will let God to help me. C.A.: At this seminar God strengthened me in not having to be afraid of anything. If I am with the Lord everything is possible. I want to give all my problems to Him. I have decided to be bolder, more perseverant in my relationship with Him. I want to stay firm in the truths of God. V.V.: I understood that with God's help there's a way-out from my failures. I realized that I had a lot of misconceptions. I would like to live a new life in happiness and blessings which I can dedicate to the Lord.

♥  We organized Inner Healing Course in Miercurea Ciuc, giving an opportunity for the participants to recognize their pain and injuries accumulated in their life and memory, and ask for healing through the power of Jesus' salvation. By reading their experiences we can take courage to take our wounds over and over again to Jesus. A.R: The newest thing I have heard was that in some cases we need to forgive God. I was thinking how they can say that we need to forgive God. I rebelled a lot towards God. When I had many problems I used to say: God! You don’t love me! God! Why did you let this thing happen to me? I lived in constant rebellion. When I had troubles I always blamed God. The hardest was to forgive my parents. After the Philip course I tried to forgive my father. My parents got divorced. Because of their divorce, alcohol, quarrels, insults I had a lot of pain in my heart. After the Philip course some people told me that I should forgive my father. Now I feel I could forgive him. All the anger and wrath that I had towards him changed into pity. It has been hard to forgive my mother as well. She raised me up, but I was rebellious towards her all the time. When I got a bad grade in the school and I didn’t pass the graduation I said that is my mother’s fault because she never told me to learn more and had never rebuked me. If I wanted to learn I did, if I didn’t want I didn’t. I blamed a lot my mother for this. It was very hard to forgive her. K.L.: Amazing things have been happening to me. I started to walk on an other path towards my wife. I look at her from other perspective. I want to appreciate her as she is right now, not looking back to the past when she was bride, or looking at her as she was yesterday or as she will be tomorrow, but to love her and accept her as she is right now. This new perspective is really a gift for me. I have never heard about the “covenant of mercy “. It was completely new for me. The hardest was to forgive my dad. H.B.: I was touched by two things. The first is regarding occultism. I thought that I have had nothing to do with such things; I didn’t even know what it is. But I like to read a lot and I found out that I read some books with occult themes. I never took it seriously; I did not think that it could have an effect on my life. I read them for fun. Now I realized that I need to check what I read and why. The second thing is concerning resolving conflicts. My family doesn’t like to talk about problems and solve conflicts. We rather wipe everything under the carpet. So I didn’t learn how to deal with conflicts. I never had a situation where I would have screamed or I would have asked for forgiveness in order to solve the conflict. Now I realized that is not good to swallow my problems because it can hurt my health. It happened that I fainted and I didn’t know the reason. Now it started to be clear that it is because I stored all my problems, I didn’t tell anyone. I realized that I need to solve all those things: not by yelling but I need to fix them. The hardest was to forgive my grandmother. My parents used to work a lot and the most of the time I was at my grandparents. Their opinion counted a lot for me. My grandmother always compared me with my cousin. Even though I was the best in the class, and the one who never did stupid things, my cousin was better than me in my grandmother’s eyes. She hates my mother, because she thinks that my mom doesn’t give enough freedom to my father (to do what he wants, to drink alcohol etc). These accusations are very painful for me. Yesterday evening I could forgive her though I know she won’t change. I cannot change her mindset, the ways she talks with my mother. This is a part of her personality. In a way I could previously forgive her (for the things which will happen thereafter). I know this is a process. I will get hurt so many times, but I try to practice forgiveness and get more and more healed.

♥ We share some testimonies from the Philip Course in Târgu MureÅŸ: X.B.: Recently I read a book and through it I discovered a new face of God: He is the God of surprises. This weekend I experienced this face of God, He really can be so surprising. I can underline this by three things: first one- the testimony of the mayor from Sângeorgiu de MureÅŸ. It was good to hear that for God there is no tough situation or person. There is no person whom he would not be able to touch. I want to be patient and invest my time so that somehow I can also be a tool in His hands or His co-worker. The second is in regard with inviting the Holy Spirit. He showed me so quickly the gift I have to ask for, what I need the most right now in my life. The third one is very funny. Yesterday I had a great day; I was filled up and we went to sleep quite late. Today morning I was very tired so I decided to hibernate as I did in the university where when I was bored I just turned off my brain. I said to myself: I heard about community anyways. But it was not like that. God is longing so much after me, that He can touch me, catch me, be in contact with me, show me how important is to pay attention to Him. This time He used Beci and didn't let me just to hibernate, but helped me to understand what I need concerning community, what I can receive and what I can give. B. Cs.: I realized that I have forgotten so many things from the first Philip Course and at each teaching some good things came to my mind. There is something which really touched me at the first teaching: Christian life is a personal relationship with the Lord. I understood that going to church and community doesn’t make me a Christian. This should come from my personal relationship with God. If I am with the Lord, he will show me the steps.

♥ Since the beginning of this year we have one more child in the Pinocchio kindergarten, so we continued working with 15 children. We continuously ask for your prayers that we can find sponsors, supporters or we even ask for your help so that we can pay our debt - 7.000 RON -, the rent for two months, that has accumulated due to the small number of children, and we need to pay it as soon as possible.

Plans, courses…

♥ We are going to organize a Philip Course on 10-12 April in Sovata, and 29-31 May in Odorheiu Secuiesc. This course provides the opportunity to meet God in a personal way, gives a practical response to our questions about faith, and builds a foundation for our Christianity renewed by faith.

    The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us.                                    1Jn 1:2

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

Inner Healing course will be on the following dates:

- 30 April-3rd May in Cluj Napoca                                 - 11-14th June in Sovata

For those who have already participated at the Philip course the Inner Healing Course would be a very important next step which helps us to look at the painful moments written into our memories from the past, when we got hurt by different people. The participants can experience the healing power of Jesus.

     And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.                 1 Pt 5,10

The number of participants is limited, so the application in time is required.

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ We organize course of Discernment  on 15-19th July in Baile Harghita.
This course helps us to discern our inner intentions and arguments by the Principles of Ignatius of Loyola. We specially recommend this course for those who would like to build their lives on God's truths, learn how to live in freedom and make decisions in God's will.

     Give your servant a discerning heart... to distinguish between right and wrong.                                                                                                        1 Kings 3:9

The condition of participation is the Philip course and application in time.

Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

♥ We will keep our new course: God's response to the great challenges of life on 30 July -2nd August in Baile Harghita. If you sometimes feel that you are pushed down by fear and stress,  discouraged by your failures and in the end you are depressed, then come and let God  answers be known and revealed helping you to find solutions and healing.

Yes, my soul, find rest in God,my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.                   Psalm 62:5-6

The condition of participation is the Philip course and application in time.
Registration: Béla Bereczki, tel: 0723-214701 or e-mail:

Prayer intentions:

Philip Course:

- That the love of the Father and the grace of conversion may fill the hearts of the participants and help them to accept the new life given through salvation.

Inner Healing Course:

- That the truths of Jesus may bring healing and deliverance for those who wish and desire.

Course of Discernment:

That the participants and organizers may receive the gift of discernment and might be able to take decisions according to God's will.


With brotherly love in the name of all co-workers and volunteers, Béci!


The purpose of this circular is to maintain a living connection between those interested in the activities of the Foundation and to get a stronger support through prayer for our programs.

We gladly accept any kind of support and financial help for our programs.

Our bank account: BANCA COMERCIALÄ‚ ROMÂNÄ‚ S.A., TG-MUREÅž, Street: Gheorghe Doja 1-3, Code IBAN: RO91RNCB0188034965980001.

Thank you very much!